Astro-logical Forecast for Thursday 12/6/2012: Perfection in Action
An expansive challenge to the Virgo Moon’s need for perfection during the wee hours (3:04AM ET) sets the mood upon waking. Thinking big, acting big, dreaming big…and hopefully based on reality as opposed to the potential fantasy suggested by the approaching challenge between mental Mercury and nebulous Neptune that was mentioned yesterday. Action is what we are likely to see around 10:31AM ET, when Moon is strongly supported by aggressive Mars AND a square to the Sun. The latter is the 3rd Quarter Moon, which suggests a dynamic manifestation related to the intentions set at the New Moon. You may spend the rest of the day sorting it all out.
Get it off your desk today if you can, as the Moon will be void Friday between 5:35AM ET and 1:35PM ET. Oohh, perhaps you can sleep in without fear of repercussions…
Meanwhile, you’ll be pleased to learn that my call to the phone company requesting compensation for Tuesday night’s internet service outage resulted in a $17.50 credit from said phone company. It is amazing what can be yours if you are bold enough to ask.
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