Astro-logical Forecast for Sunday & Monday 1/2-3/2011; General Astro-logical Forecast by Sun Sign for 2011
Happy New Year! Did you ring it in with great optimism? If so, congratulations, you’re in tune with the cosmos. Forecast for Sunday: Moon in Sagittarius, a sign that needs to share its opinion with the entire free world (and be respected for it, thank you very much), rules the day. That’s fun for travel or any other territory-expanding experience, though there may be a few bumps in the road around 9PM NY time, followed by a surprise twist after 9:08PM when the Moon goes void until 2:39AM Monday. The urge to make things happen with great enthusiasm kicks in early on Monday…though from an astrological perspective you are advised to wait until the New Moon on Tuesday to plant seeds for new ventures.
And now, a general forecast for the signs and 2011 (and I do mean “general”).
Big news for 2011: Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy, enters Aries on Jan 22nd…moving into Taurus on Jun 5th. Saturn, planet of necessary control, continues in diplomatic, people-pleasing Libra through the end of 2011 and into 2012 (Saturn takes about 2 1/2 years to move through a sign). Rebellious, eccentric Uranus enters Aries (for the first time since the 1930s), on March 12, where it will stay for seven years. Neptune, representing all that is intangible is slooooowly easing out of its 14 year stay in Aquarius. It enters Pisces, the sign it rules, on April 5th…then ducks back into Aquarius on August 5th, where it will linger until 2012. Ruthless Pluto will be in Capricorn all year, continuing to bring us news of breakdown and corruption in hallowed government institutions around the world.
So what does all this mean for YOU? Here’s a brief look at what each sign of the zodiac can expect in 2001. If you reeeeeeeallly want to get specific about what the year is likely to bring for you personally, I highly recommend a session to discuss your unique horoscope, which has many more moving parts than just your Sun Sign.
ARIES: Lucky Rams! On Jan 22, Jupiter brings you a five month opportunity for expansion and reward that only comes along every 12 years. Look back to Mar-Jun 1999 and Nov 99 – Feb 00 — what did you reap then? This applies to Aries no matter what day you were born. Rams born Mar 20-24: congratulations; you’ve just come through two years of a major change of life perspective. What was let go in order to make room for the potentially new and exciting you that is likely to make its appearance when Uranus enters Aries on March 12th? Talk to your Pisces friends born March 16-19th for clues on what you can expect; they went through it last year. For those born March 24-27th, you’re up for a potentially empowering and/or transformational year in issues likely related to career, status and control. Rams born April 4th – 15th, you may feel a pinch or restructuring in areas concerning relationship and public projection.
TAURUS: Expansion and reward that comes along once every 12 years happens for you from June through the end of the year, especially for Bulls born April 20 – 30th. The rest of you Heifers must wait until 2012 for a personal visit from bountiful Jupiter; fortunately, the patience of Taurus is legendary. What was up for you from Jul-Oct ’99 and Mar – Jul ’00? A similarly expansive and rewarding cycle may be in your stars.
GEMINI: Gemini, your Sun will be directly affected by Neptune’s shift into Pisces if you were born between May 20-22nd; the rest of you will have to wait your turn over the next 14 years to experience the potentially bewildering, potentially sublime challenges the Intangible has in store for you. If you are an artist or a spiritual type, this can be a very stimulating time. If you have an inflexible need for security (some Geminis do!), this year may be…interesting. Read for Aquarius for more details.
CANCER: Many Cancers have just emerged from a year or two of intense focus on partnership and other family issues, which challenged emotional security, especially those born around June 21st – June 24th. What was taken away and/or restructured? For Cancers born June 25th-June 27th, now it’s your turn to experience an irresistible force. Talk to your fellow Cancers born June 21st – June 24th to see what may be in store. For Cancers born July 11th – July 19th, changes in your home and foundation may be in order. Don’t worry, this can be a good thing (I know how much you value the concept of “home” and “foundation”).
LEO: Leo Suns are not as directly impacted by the planetary heavies in 2011 as other Sun Signs, unless you are a Leo born in the last two days of the sign. In that case, you’re under the spell of nebulous Neptune, which can be terrific for inspiration and other creative/spiritual pursuits…and a bit weird and confusing if art, spirit and music aren’t your bag. Read for Aquarius for more details. Good news for all Leos is that any bounty experienced by Aries and Taurus this year may spill over and shine in areas related to creative self-expression, children and your home. If you weren’t born in the last two days of Leo and you’re experiencing major challenges this year, chances are it is not because of any symbolic planetary assault on your Sun Sign. Consult your local astrologer for details.
VIRGO: The weirdness of Neptune moving into Pisces will be directly felt by Virgos born Aug 23rd and Aug 24th. For Virgo, who generally likes everything neat, precise and structured, this may be very unsettling…or possibly liberating. You may feel it especially in your partnerships…and you may not find out until 2012 if that ideal was the real deal. For Virgos born Sep 17th – Sep 21st, 2011 may begin with a third and final jolt from an exciting but perhaps unsettling partnership that had you on edge for much of 2010.
LIBRA: Libras born Sept 22 – Oct 7th went through a streamlining of sorts in 2010, demanded by Saturn exerting necessary controls. In 2011, it’s time for the rest of those born under the sign of the Scales to toss out dead wood and get focused. Libras born September 22-25th, you’ve been challenged for two years to change your perspective and become graciously empowered, lest you be overpowered by someone or something around you. And if you’ve had just about enough of living by a game plan that is not your own, this may be the year you declare your independence. For Libras born Sept 26th- 29th, talk to Libras born between the 22nd and 25th and learn from their experience.
SCORPIO: Got any skeletons in your subconscious closet? This is a good year to clean them out. Otherwise, Scorpio Suns are out of the direct line of fire from heavy contact from heavy planets. If you are dealing with an issue that feels cataclysmic, my money says it’s related to another planet or angle in your horoscope. Consult your local astrologer for details. An exception can be made for Scorpios born Nov 20-21st: congratulations, you’re under the spell of nebulous Neptune for the year. Feeling unusually bewitched, bothered and bewildered? Read for Aquarius for more info on what Neptune can do to all that Scorpionic depth and control.
SAGITTARIUS: How cool can it be to start 2011 with a hugely optimistic meeting between Jupiter, your ruling planet, and eccentric, innovative Uranus? How is it lifting your spirits and expanding your foundation? If you were born around Dec 17th and Dec 20th, you might be feeling it could take you somewhere beyond borders. If you are born on Nov 22nd or Nov 23rd, you’re up for a potentially dizzying year not unlike the one anticipated by those born on the first two days of Pisces, Gemini and Virgo. Read for Aquarius for more details.
CAPRICORN: Many Goats born Dec 21st – 24th have been experiencing a life-transforming squeeze over the past two years. Others have come through this trial by fire newly empowered. For these Goats, the way is clear for you to do something truly radical and shocking: be true to yourself and none other. You don’t have to carry the whole world on your shoulders in 2011…and isn’t that a relief? If you were born Dec 25th-27th, talk to your friends born Dec 21st-24th. You’re likely to be seeing things from a very different perspective a year from now.
AQUARIUS: Water-Bearers born Feb 15th-17th are under the direct influence of nebulous Neptune in 2011. Hmmm…what could happen? You may experience heightened sensitivity. You may need more quiet time for yourself. You may not want to put yourself “out there” as much as usual. You may find yourself in situations where you are called upon to be of service — to surrender your ego for a higher cause. It is possible you will believe you have found an ideal, only to discover later that it is not all that it seemed to be. If you are an artist, spiritual or healing type, someone who regularly works with intangibles, this can be an extremely stimulating and creative year for you. Go with the flow, but if someone whose judgment you’ve always trusted suggests you might be going down a primrose path, double check the course you’re on.
PISCES: If you were born Feb 18th-19th, read for Aquarius. That’s the spell you’re likely to be under from April to August…and again in early 2012. If you were born March 17th-19th, you’re starting 2011 with the third installment of a potentially wild and wacky ride that began in March/April of 2010. What revolution has occurred? Who is the new and exciting, independent you? All Pisces are likely to get a glimpse of what it will feel like when the rest of humanity values and understands of intangibles as well as you do; enjoy what springtime will bring.
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