Astro-logical Forecast for Saturday & Sunday 4/6-7/2013: The Urge to Merge
Moon entered sensitive and empathic Pisces at 9AM on Saturday ET, suggesting a need to focus on intangibles, including spirit(s), service, music, vision, healing and art. A hook-up with nebulous Neptune at 4:48PM ET encourages that need all the more. What rosy glow will precede a potentially passionate or otherwise bold/fearless/inspiring encounter around 12:58AM ET Sunday, hmm? You do recall I mentioned that loving Venus would be catching up with horny Mars in Aries tonight, don’t you?
An intriguing exercise in structure, investigation and transformation carries us into the wee hours (watch for news from underground), ending big at 8:06AM ET on Sunday, as the sensitive Pisces Moon is challenged by expansive Jupiter. Maybe a talky kind of day, as far as feelings are concerned…
Moon goes void at 12:10AM MONDAY, suggesting another work week that starts with a fizzle. Blergh! You’ll notice the shift at 3:02PM ET when the Moon races into gear in the me-me-me sign of Aries, and not a minute too soon…
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