Astro-logical Forecast for Monday & Tuesday 12/30-31/2013: Persuasive Action
Ready for a break? The high-flying Sagittarius Moon goes void-of course with a long sigh at 6:36AM ET, not to enter the next sign — Capricorn — until 1:01PM ET on Tuesday. Trying to move forward in a straight line during Moon voids can feel like you’re herding an infinite number of cats. Go with the flow of whatever twists and delays crops up, and remember that crises — including panic attacks — that manifest are often much ado about nothing. Example: in my other life in TV news, I can’t tell you how many times a “urgent” deadline has suddenly pulled focus in a Moon void and then turned into a big “NEVER MIND” once the Moon got back into gear. So if you feel under the gun over the next two days, please maintain perspective and chill, chill chill!
Given that we are the end of the lunar cycle, the wandering potential of the Moon void may be especially augmented by the listlessness or restlessness often felt in the dark side of the Moon. We sense the new cycle is coming, but we don’t know what it is. Clear your desk of projects started at the New Moon, and also consider letting go of these 20 things in preparation for the powerful New Moon in Capricorn that’s happening Wednesday at 6:14AM ET. We are starting the New Year off with a bang!
Today’s Moon void should take some of the potentially forceful edge off the the potent challenge between aggressive Mars and ruthless Pluto (exact at 8:16PM ET), though I still expect to see some notable acts of violence (downside) and/or extraordinarily energetic efforts (upside) making headlines. Same goes for the intensely perspicacious hook-up between mental Mercury and Pluto happening Tuesday at 6:24AM ET, as well as the clash of will and mindset suggested by a challenge between Mercury and Mars a few hours later. Communications may be exceptionally persuasive and/or forceful — especially with Venus (social decorum) in full-blown retrograde mode through the end of January (interesting to see this op-ed piece on political bullies in Sunday NYT).
If you were born around the 1st of January, April, July and October…or if you have a planet or angle around 8-11 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you are more likely to feel the pressure to “make it or break it” continuing on for the next few days….for better or for worse; the choice is up to you.
At 1:01PM ET on Tuesday, Moon enters “make it happen” Capricorn, infusing the day with an earthy practicality. A soft connection between the Moon and rose-colored Neptune offers a dreamy spin to the “Auld Lang Syne” you’ll be singing at midnight. Do be careful around the fireworks, as the Capricorn Moon makes contact with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square in the wee hours of the first day of 2014. Did I mention that the New Year might start off with a bang?
Last, but not least, some tech innovations on deck for 2014, as well as this piece about “brain-like” computers, brought to you by rocket scientist Uranus making contact with Mars, Mercury and the Sun all last week…enjoy!
Plan your strategy for the the New Year with a personal astro-logical consultation! Here’s how to contact me.
Donations are always welcome, with gratitude for your expression of appreciation. I’ll also mail you a nifty Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide bookmark, so you’ll always know when that trickster planet is doing its backwards shuffle — and how to handle it.
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