Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 9/14/2015: New Moon in Virgo; Solar Eclipse; Sneak Peek at the Week

Good Morning!

By the time you read this, the Moon will have left discerning Virgo for Libra, as of 10:41PM ET on Sunday. There it will cruise without interference for all of Monday ET.

A Libra Moon drives the energy of the day with a need for people-pleasing in relationship. It is a cerebral energy that needs to weigh the pros and cons of a situation in an effort to find the balance. Generally speaking, it abhors conflict. I have seen some Moon in Libra types do outrageous things in an effort to avoid confrontation. Really, it would have been better if they’d screwed up the courage to face their fears of ruffling feathers head on.

But I digress.

Other than the Moon’s weekly clash with Pluto and Uranus — Tuesday at 1:10AM ET and 2:27PM ET , respectively, exact planetary patterns are fleeting and mild, except for the action that happens on Thursday. That’s when we’ll have a triple hit on our plates.

First, expansive Jupiter opposes Neptune. That should be an awesome aspect for Pope Francis’s planned visit to the United States.  It will also be reflected in plenty of continuing headlines about Neptunian themes, which include faith, dreams, illusion, delusion, healing, migrants, compassion, oil, drugs, blood — for starters. We’ll also see more of Jupiter in Virgo themes: an expanded focus on matters related to labor, union, food and food production, diet, health care, ecology — again, just for starters.

Second, Mercury turns retrograde at 16 degrees of Libra at 2:10PM ET. BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS NOW!  Third, Saturn fiiiiiinally leaves Scorpio for high-flying Sagittarius at 10:47PM ET. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Saturn!

Moon voids this week are as follows: Wednesday 12:22 AM – 11:43AM ET; Friday 3:49PM ET – 11:32PM ET. Both of these voids may feel like Mercury retrograde on steroids. Roll with the twists and flakes, and double check everything thrice before you hit “send”. Be patient with the communication snafus, and do not hold a national election during those times!


It’s not too late to consciously set your New Moon intentions, even though the exact lunation (and solar eclipse) happened on Sunday at 2:41AM ET. Go ahead and light a candle; make a list. Around September 21st, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 27th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on October 4th, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon on October 12th.

Last month’s New Moon in Leo focused on creative self-expression. How are you living — or not living — by being true to your heart? On this Virgo New Moon we can focus on whom or what does your creative self-expression serve. How does it function? How have you cooperated with and/or integrated it into your daily routine?  Perfection, discernment, work, service, integration, analysis, cooperative systems, diet: these are also Virgo keywords up for focus and review.


Virgo rules the digestive tract, where it keeps busy instinctively separating the wheat from the chaff. It keeps elements that provide nourishment and eliminates those which do not. Some digestive systems work more efficiently than others, depending on what they are given to process. What is your process? Is it efficient? What does your gut tell you?

The New Moon happened at 20 degrees 10 minutes of Virgo. So if you have a planet or angle around that degree of Virgo — and to a lesser degree Pisces, Sagittarius and Gemini, you are more likely to feel the need to plant seeds in the areas related to that planet and where it sits in your horoscope. These seeds have more than the usual potency because this New Moon is also a solar eclipse.

If your life is on track, you may reap an abundant harvest. If your life is not on track, this New Moon/Eclipse may call attention to certain flaws, resulting in quite a challenge. This is time to consult your astrologer for details — or order an Astro-Basics Report if you want to know what degrees all of your planets and angles are at.

A Solar Eclipse can act like a “bottleneck” of energy. Light flowing from the Sun is temporarily interrupted, focusing attention on that interrupted point, allowing something new and possibly fragile to enter the picture and grow. And here I would be thinking of Michael, the kindhearted policeman in the storybook Make Way for Ducklings, who stopped the flow of traffic on Beacon Street so Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their brood of eight could safely make their way to the Boston Public Garden. Got that?


We noted last week that both Serena and Venus Williams have significant planets at 20 Virgo, so we expect to see some activity — one way or the other — in their life experience as 20 Virgo is triggered by Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn later this year and into 2016 (by Jupiter). Let the record show that Donald Trump has his Sun and Moon at 22 Gemini and 21 Sagittarius; Jeb Bush; has his ASC at 23 Virgo; so we’ll want to keep an eye on him, too. Interesting that in 2012, Mitt Romney also experienced an eclipse on his Ascendant.

The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “a girls’ basketball team”. The opposing symbol — in Pisces — is “a little white lamb, a child and a Chinese servant,” and boy I am glad Blaine Bovee wrote a book shedding light on what these Symbols might mean and how to apply them productively. You do know how these Sabian Symbols came about, don’t you? Here is the story.

One thing Bovee notes about this Sabian Symbol pair is that we have a team allegedly working together, on the one hand, combined with three separate entities that don’t seem to have much in common, on the other. How is anything going to get done?  It’s weird and bewildering — but y’know, that fits the patterns of the chart for this New Moon, so somehow it makes sense: Mercury about to turn retrograde and that exact opposition between Jupiter and Neptune.

Honestly, with Mercury retrograde, a period of review and reorganization seems in order during this lunar cycle. But you can still move forward by going back…over your old contacts and projects. A reconnection may be just what is required to get that idea to the next level.

Bovee’s bottom line advice is to approach this lunar cycle with “…an awareness of differences within so-called level playing fields; personal concerns within a cooperative setting…” (for better or for worse). This next bit is interesting, given what’s going on in the world right now, “Consider feeling strange about having to learn foreign moves in order to reach one’s goal; enormous patience while coaching others; improving; honing; carrying the ball”.  We’ll watch for those themes to be expressed in the headlines.

Speaking of which…

With Saturn at the end of its rope at 29 Scorpio, I noted with interest the following items involving last-gasp efforts re: the consequences of sexual energy, for better or for worse.

First, you’ve probably heard that the House of Representatives hosted an investigative hearing about Planned Parenthood last week, as it ascertains whether it can get away with murder (Mars is in Leo) by cutting off federal funds — or at least threatening to shut down the government over it.  But would it surprise you to know that in its efforts to investigate what Planned Parenthood is all about, it did not invite anyone from Planned Parenthood to the hearing? So just how stunningly uninformed are some of the people elected to the U.S. House of Representatives? That’s a rhetorical question. But here’s an answer anyway .

Meanwhile, the front page headline on Sunday’s NYT was about another matter of life and death: “a young woman’s effort to transcend death” through cryonics. Elsewhere, Erica Jong has a new book out: Fear of Dying.   How interesting that Ms. Jong’s taboo-smashing book, Fear of Flying, was published in the aftermath of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in the mid-60s. Now, in the wake of the Uranus-Pluto square, she writes a follow-up. Coincidence or conspiracy?

And briefly: 1)  a federal study about blood pressure with new data that is allegedly “life-saving” reflects Jupiter in Virgo (expanded focus on healthcare) opposing Neptune (blood); 2) the NYT wonders why so many celebrity couples broke up this summer (hello? aftermath of Uranus-Pluto square plus Venus retrograde in Leo, hello????) — and obviously did not consult with an astrologer; 3) in light of Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy’s August break-up, his new flame, Denise is totally living up to Venus retrograde expectations, as the word on Twitter is “what was he thinking???”

What’s going on in YOUR horoscope? If you’re feeling a need for clarity and guidance, consider making an appointment for a personal astro-logical consultation. Thank you for reading this forecast — and sharing it with the Entire Free World :)





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