Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 8/3/2015: Sneak Peek at the Week; Expansion vs. Contraction; Saturn is a Bitch
Good Morning!
I hope your last week went well. My spies report plenty of action in the lives of those whose personal horoscopes were affected by the emotional surge and release of Friday’s Full Moon, which happened with the Sun at 7 degrees of Leo opposing the Moon at 7 Aquarius. Personal vs. impersonal. The need to shine as an individual vs. the needs of the collective. If you were born one week into the signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio….or if you have a planet or angle around 7 degrees of those signs, that means you.
If your horoscope also contains a planet or angle at 28 degrees of Scorpio, Leo, Taurus or Aquarius, you’re likely still processing the pressure of taskmaster Saturn, which turned direct at 28 degrees of Scorpio at 1:53AM on Sunday. Saturn refers to ambition, structure, control, separation and streamlining. When Saturn is active in your horoscope, you may experience feelings of isolation, lack or loss. A productive response would be to turn that realization of loss/lack into a strategy for advance.
Cue Joni Mitchell now, please. Don’t it always seem to go/That you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone…
Saturn went retrograde on March 14th. Since then, many may have experienced delays or been forced to reconsider plans related to structure, discipline and ambition. Now these projects may pick up speed, as Saturn moves forward. If Saturn is sitting on top of a planet or angle in your chart, its contracting pressure is being countered by the expansive drive of Jupiter at 28 Leo, which is exactly square Saturn this morning at 6:37AM ET. How can things be contracting and expanding at the same time? Exactly. This is the challenge, especially in matters of business and executive authority.
A good example of this conflict hit the NYT on Sunday. Back in April (and reported in this forecast), the CEO of a Seattle-based company called Gravity made headlines when he decided to pay all of his employees $70K/year because a study concluded that if you’re making $70K/year, you’ll have what you need to be happy. Anything less: unhappy. Anything more: doesn’t make you happier, even though you could buy more stuff and do more things. So how is Gravity doing? And how cool is it that GRAVITY is making headlines with Saturn turning direct? Saturn is gravitas!
Gravity is expanding at a rapid pace. That’s good, right — and how very Jupiter (expansion)? Yes and no. The company is expanding, but that means it has to hire more people and pay them more than it might have done before the new $70K/yr policy. And the income stream from these new clients won’t kick in for another year. That’s a squeeze — and how very Saturn (contraction, loss). It’s a fascinating story — especially the reaction from his employees over the equalization of everyone’s pay — check it out here.
Saturn is verrrry active in the horoscopes of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, as noted many times before. Today, President Obama will unveil an ambitious slate of controls in an effort to cut greenhouse gases and reduce global warming. It’s a planet thing — and also a legacy thing. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is now seriously seriously considering a run for president — perhaps driven in no small part by the recent passing of his son, Beau. Or so pundit Maureen Dowd opines. As I said…Saturn stimulating ambition out of loss.
But back to the patterns of the day and the week ahead. The Moon is in Pisces, where it has been stimulating an intuitive flow since Saturday at 6:36PM ET. Its need to identify what is ideal is supported by easy connections from Mars (action) and Saturn (structure). Moon goes void at 4:35PM ET. Chill and/or focus on routine matters until 7:24PM ET, when the Moon zooms into Aries and the pace noticeably picks up for the next couple of days.
Here are the highlights for this busy week. First, Venus — which refers to social expression, aesthetics, money and women — reconnects with Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy, at 5:47PM ET on Tuesday. Look up in the sky tonight and you’ll see what you may have missed on June 25th when these two brights lights first met up this year. Venus together with Jupiter suggests abundance and enjoyment — huzzah, huzzah.
Oh. But wait — Venus will be squared by Saturn on Wednesday at 11:08AM ET. Venus challenged by Saturn can put a stern face — literally — on matters ruled by Venus. I can’t tell you how delighted I was to see an update in the NYT on the “bitchy resting face” that first made headlines two years ago under another Venus-Saturn square — and noted in this forecast. Apparently the bitchy resting face is now known simply as the “RBF” — and right now it is the 4th most-viewed story in the NYT, right after the story about Gravity. Coincidence or conspiracy?
As the week progresses, mental Mercury meets up with Venus and squares Saturn (Thursday) and then meets up with Jupiter at the very end of Leo on Friday. So we can expect Mercury-related matters (communication, transportation, etc.) to wrestle with the same theme of expansion vs. contraction.
So much more news to report. I did not mean to take a break, but apparently I needed it. Back now with regular daily updates.
Briefly: Cecil the Lion, whose senseless murder by a presumably self-absorbed and dangerously unaware American dentist first sparked outraged opinion during last Monday’s void of course Moon in animal-loving Sagittarius, along with 17 other planets in Leo…not to mention Venus retrograde in perfectionist Virgo conjunct the fixed star Regulus. Venus retrograde holds nothing back; the continued public outrage on social media shut down the dentist’s business and he has since gone into hiding. Regulus, by the way refers to honor, integrity and reputation. It is also known as “the heart of the lion”. Yesterday another lion-murdering health care professional made headlines. Astrology is amazing.
Stay tuned…make a donation if you enjoy these musings…or make an appointment to find out what’s happening in your horoscope — and how you can make the most of it.
Thank you for reading this forecast.
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