Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 8/19/2013: Revolutionary
No sleeping in late on this Monday morning. Moon is fully engaged in the airy, mental sign of Aquarius, seeking to be socially significant in a friendly, humanitarian way…or stubbornly fixated on a revolutionary idea. We’ll see how friendly the headlines — or how we might we feeling– will be around 10:10AM ET, when stern Saturn imposes a rigid control or ambition on that need for social significance. Dealing with this challenge could carry us through the day, to be worked out with inventive flair and communicated with greater ease toward the close of the business day. Note that emotional energies are waxing, as reflected by the Full Moon which will be exact Tuesday at 9:45PM ET.
Driving recent headlines is the supercharged energy of expansive Jupiter about to exactly square rebel Uranus at 3:14AM ET on Wednesday. This will complete Jupiter’s first engagement with the upheavals suggested by the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square, and it is a big component of this lunar cycle. You may recall that Jupiter squared Pluto on the August 6th New Moon. Jupiter keywords include: collective belief systems, such as higher education, religion, political philosophies and the media; optimism, benevolence, inflation, arrogance. Uranus keywords include: freedom, disruption, revelation, awakening, revolution, seismic activity (shake-ups), sudden change, excitement, anarchy, invention. Pluto keywords include: perspective, power, seismic activity (volcanoes), breakdown, elimination, transformation, corruption, obsession, regeneration and catharsis. Oh — and radiation — especially when coupled with Uranus, as in uranium and plutonium.
Jupiter-Uranus contacts suggest sudden changes of fortune (windfalls), breakthroughs and breakouts. They can also suggest inflation and exaggeration of all Uranian themes. Jupiter-Pluto refers to power and resources (think: energy & gobs of money), along with exaggeration and inflation of all Plutonian themes. Because Jupiter is in Cancer, we add Cancer keywords to what we can expect to be in focus now: emotional, material and homeland security — including food and motherhood. Uranus is in Aries — so add Arian keywords: pioneer, individual, fearless, warrior, inspiration, initiative. Pluto is in Capricorn — challenged by Uranus in Aries — thus what is challenged includes: the Establishment, corporations, government institutions, status, infrastructure.
And now, after that massive brain dump of information, a word from our sponsor:
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Moon voids this week — to be avoided when planning important meetings, contract signing and shopping sprees — are as follows: Tuesday 9:45PM ET – Wednesday 12:43AM ET; Thursday 9:38PM ET – Friday 3:13AM ET. That’s it. No big long rest periods during business hours — at least for readers in the Americas. Much can be accomplished — onward!
And now, this collection of headlines reflecting planetary patterns. First, an amusing piece that popped up during last night’s void of course Moon (which often turns molehills into mountains of crisis). The Fairfield, Connecticut police department would like you to know that your cable TV outage is not a life-threatening emergency: please do not call 911 — apparently many people did. Second, a nod to astrologer Robert Wilkinson for bringing my attention to this CNN piece on the four essential ingredients of a successful revolution (inspired by next week’s 50th anniversary of the March on Washington — for civil rights — and Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech). You do remember that Uranus and Pluto last got together during the 60s, right? And before that, in the 1930s. This is why issues that were “hot” during those times are hot again now. Got that?
In other news, freedom (Uranus) of the press (Jupiter) is being mightily challenged. A lengthy piece about Laura Poitras — the documentary filmmaker who has been working with reporter Glenn Greenwald on the Edward Snowden saga — was the cover story of the NYT Sunday magazine. At age 49, Poitras is a child of the 60s — likely born with a tough as nails opposition from Saturn to the Uranus and Pluto. You’ll be riveted by what she has endured in her work for the past several years. And perhaps certain security officials read the New York Times, too. Today’s headlines include the news that the life partner of Glenn Greenwald was detained for nine hours while changing planes at London’s Heathrow Airport. He apparently was visiting Ms. Poitras in Berlin. His personal property was confiscated. What are they afraid of? On Friday, Wikileaks posted a boatload of encrypted “insurance files” — to be unencrypted, perhaps — if something big hits the fan. Homeland security; security controls; the ability of one pioneering individual to disrupt the established order — all reflected in current planetary patterns. Stay tuned to this channel for updates on this developing story….
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