Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 7/30/2012: Make It Happen!

Happy Monday!

Why is it happy? Because here in the Western hemisphere, we’re starting the work week off  with the Moon in proactive, take care of business Capricorn — and it is not void of course! This suggests that moving in a straight line, with purposeful direction won’t be nearly the challenge it felt like last week (from the feedback I’ve been hearing and seeing on so many Facebook posts). And you may be especially inspired, given that the practical Moon is in a supportive connection with visionary Neptune. Note your dreams upon waking.

Finding practical, stable value in monetary concerns, artistic expression and social graces will likely pull focus over the next few days, as realistic Saturn makes an easy connection to loving Venus, exact on Tuesday at 3:40AM ET.  If not practical value in actual material form, then certainly practical value in significant ideas about them. I say this because Saturn and Venus are now both in Air signs, which are often more comfortable in the world of ideas. Adding innovation, technology and the avant-garde to the mix is another easy connection between the Sun (in dramatic Leo) and inventive Uranus (in pioneering Aries). What new firsts may we see in the headlines over the next few days?

As the day progresses, we’ve got the usual potential for shake-ups and power plays, courtesy of that “make-it-happen” Moon making contact with ruthless Pluto (at 4:03PM ET) and rebel Uranus (at 5:34PM ET). Breakthroughs and breakouts?

Meanwhile, was there any confusion in Friday’s  in Friday’s Olympics opening ceremony (suggested by Mercury retrograde and a Moon void)? Here in the United States, plenty of viewers were confused because it was not carried live on NBC and I haven’t heard of anyone who could find it online. America had to wait until 8PM ET to see what the rest of the Free World apparently got to watch at 4PM ET (in their respective time zones). Still, as forecast on Thursday, the broadcast did break records on Friday. Huzzah!

Moon voids for the rest of the week:

Tuesday 7:30PM ET – Wednesday 5:56AM ET

Friday 3:24AM ET – 9:58AM ET

Make the most of this productive week. Since Mercury is retrograde, it’s a great time to get in touch with people you haven’t spoken with in a while. Happy networking and REconnecting!


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