Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 6/17/2013: Sneak Peek At the Week
…and we’re off…to the start of a work week with surprisingly few “hard” planetary patterns, compared to what we’ll see in coming weeks…
Moon entered Libra last night at 9:19PM ET, seeking balance and appreciation for its people-pleasing, diplomatic skills. As a Libra Moon tends to think about what it feels, it offers an opportunity for objectivity and rational discourse, even if it has difficulty making a final decision. It’s hard to choose when you can see the merits of both sides! A surprise jolt or emotional power play, however, may be felt between 4 and 7pm ET, when the need to keep the peace and avoid conflict is disrupted by challenges from the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square. At 7:49PM ET, an easy flow to the Moon from glib Mars in Gemini fuels lively discourse and innovative action as a result. Speaking of innovative action, new ways to invent the wheel may be experimented with all day, especially in the tech and outer space sector, as the multi-talented Gemini Mars is supported by technogeek Uranus. Think outside the box.
There are few Moon voids to derail your efforts to move forward in a straight line this week, so much can be accomplished — and should be accomplished, especially since Mercury will be turning retrograde on June 26th. BACK UP YOUR COMPUTERS AND TECHNOGIZMOS NOW. I don’t want to hear you whingeing that you lost all your data in the volatile weeks of July. You have been warned.
About the voids: we’ve got a brief on on Tuesday at 11:55PM ET until 2:39AM ET Wednesday — no big deal. On Thursday, we’ve got a void starting at 3:16PM ET until 4:31AM ET — that one is significant, as it affects people trying to get things done during business hours. Schedule important meetings and deal closings around it.
This week is dominated by two enthusiastic and expansive connections. First the annual meet-up of the Sun with jolly Jupiter happens on the 19th and makes everything feel oh so good. This is especially true if you were born around the 19th of June, and I hope you Geminis are enjoying the potential comfort, expansion and luck that often accompanies a transit (Jupiter conjunct the natal Sun) that happens every 12 years. The second aspect is a meet-up between Mercury and Venus in Cancer which suggests a certain idealistic outlook and/or spin on issues involving emotional/homeland security, family, foundation, Mom and apple pie. Watch the news for those kinds of stories.
The week concludes with the Summer Solstice early Friday morning, marking yet another turning point in our journey on Spaceship Earth…
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