Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/28/2012: Thanks for the Memories
Illusions, ideals, inspiration and fantasy — who knows what kind of escape your dreams may have taken you on while you were sleeping. Moon entered perfectionist Virgo at 2:06AM ET and is challenged by nebulous Neptune at 7:46AM ET, so take note of your waking thoughts. An easy connection between Sun and innovative Uranus continues to support the theme of visionary and revolutionary thinking and communication — set by the New Moon on May 20th. And this afternoon we may see a challenge to those new patterns, which the Virgo Moon can refine and reorganize to its heart’s content.
Virgo is also a sign of service, and as this is officially Memorial Day in the United States, it offers a proper and dignified energy which can be constructively applied to remembering those who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Did you know this holiday dates back to the end of the Civil War, and that it used to be called Decoration Day? According to Wikipedia, by the turn of the 20th Century, many families observed Memorial Day by visiting graves of all (deceased) relatives, not just those who died in service.
In my family, decorating the graves of our ancestors with bright red geraniums is a ritual started by my grandmother many years ago. We load up the back of the Jeep with a few dozen hardy plants, a trowel and topsoil in preparation for the annual World Cemetery Tour, which now covers four cemeteries on backcountry roads connecting two New England towns. The cows always seem happy to see us. I believe our ancestors are happy to see us, too.
A lovely family tradition!