Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 5/12/2014: Sneak Peek at the Week
Good Morning!
As of 8:51PM ET on Sunday, the people-pleasing Libra Moon has been void-of-course, wandering ever so aimlessly until 9:07PM ET this evening. If you slept in late or experienced some other unusual twist, delay or flake this morning, it is par for the course. If your efforts to move forward in a straight line are thwarted, your best strategy is to roll with it, and trust that whatever crisis has everyone in a mild panic is likely much ado about nothing. Take care of routine tasks. Avoid impulse shopping; however, as astrologer Rockie Gardiner liked to advise, it’s a fine time to return items you do not really need.
Pay attention to communications and brainstorming today. Though the Moon is void, there is a harmonious aspect between mental Mercury (in clever Gemini) and action hero Mars (in diplomatic Libra). Perhaps a nugget to be filed away for further development…or a truly dynamic, but really surprising revelation supporting the major planetary pattern of the week.
Said major pattern would be Venus (money, women, social expression, beauty) making contact with the never-ending and disruptive Uranus-Pluto square, a.k.a. The Planetary Pattern Everyone Should Be Talking About. Venus-Uranus-Pluto patterns suggest sudden attractions and alliances with unusual partners; unconventional social expression and sexual orientation; social expression that is intense, witchy-bitchy, and/or emotionally cathartic. We last experienced this pattern in mid-November of last year, and here are some headlines that reflected it back then. Here’s another batch, and in it you’ll note an item about a company called Snapchat. How fascinating that this company made news again last week, on a similar pattern — and it isn’t pretty. Wonder if the owners regret not taking the zillion-dollar offer they received last fall…
In your own personal world, be open to connections and communication with others that break old established patterns and/or clear the air. Letting go of what no longer serves, based on a startling revelation is amplified, given that it’s happening on a Full Moon in intensely emotional Scorpio, exact on Wednesday. You are especially affected by this Venus-Pluto-Uranus tension if you were born between the 2nd and 4th of January, April, July and October…or if you have a planet around 13 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. Don’t know what degrees your planets are at? Order an Astro-Basics Report, available here.
Also of note this week: action hero Mars is fiiiiiiii-nally getting ready to move forward again, as of May 19th. And since May 8th it has been moving ever so slowly backwards at 9 degrees of Libra…and it going to stay at 9 degrees Libra until June 1st. It will stationary — i.e., sitting at an apparent dead stop — from the 18th through the 22nd. So if you were born around the 30th of March, June, September or January…or if you have a planet or angle between 8 and 10 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, you will feel it more than most. And by “it” I mean a drive to take action, for better or for worse; feeling pumped up; feeling easily irritated; attracting or engaging in outbursts of anger/aggression…or having a raging headache. “It” is neither positive nor negative; use it how you will. Doing something physical or heroic would be a positive application…and who doesn’t want to be a hero?
Your Moon voids for the rest of the week: Wednesday right after the Full Moon at 3:16PM ET until 1:44AM ET on Thursday. Friday is a bust: Moon is void from 3:43AM ET until 4:12AM ET on Saturday. Three-day weekend, anyone?
Tonight I’m packing up my bikini and portable printer and heading for the airport. Will try to post a forecast for Tuesday before then. Sad to leave Hawaii behind for now…but also looking forward to spring in New York. I love this time of year when the lilacs and peonies are in bloom….
Thank you for reading this forecast and sharing it with the Rest of the Free World.
Dear New Yorkers, I’ll be back in the city this week and will be available for in-person consultations. Dear Rest of the Free World, I am always available for personal consultations via Skype or telephone. Here’s how to contact me.
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