Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 4/9/2012: A Brief Look at the Week Ahead

Happy Monday! I hope you had a deep and meaningful Easter/Passover weekend, suggested by the Moon being in Scorpio from 11:18AM ET Saturday until 11:12M ET today. If you went overboard on Easter candy (or anything else) yesterday, blame an indulgent opposition between Moon and Jupiter, the cosmic sugar daddy. I used these planetary patterns to indulge in a day at the local spa, complete with a deep-tissue massage.

A slow start to the morning and/or an unexpected twist is suggested by a void-of-course Moon (as of 2:56 AM ET); Moon enters opinionated Sagittarius at 11:12AM ET. Feel like starting your work week off with yoga, meditation or some other creative flow? A Moon void can support it.

And speaking of flow, lunar aspect today suggest the following: more creativity or dreamy/confusion/spaciness (Moon square nebulous Neptune) at 3 PM ET; a potential clash of opinions or an impassioned outburst of energy around 5:22PM (Moon square aggressive Mars); innovation, networking and good times are favored by Moon trine rebel Uranus and opposed loving Venus at 8:02PM and 8:27 ET, respectively.

The whole day offers much potential for innovation in social expression, creative arts and finances, suggested by  Venus in an easy connection with Uranus. If you are out and about today, you may be surrounded by people whose opinions feel like a breath of fresh air. Or perhaps you will be the source of those refreshing points of view.

Your Moon voids for the week: Wednesday 7:05 AM – 1:02 PM ET; Friday 1:05PM -5:48PM ET. If you don’t know what a void-of-course Moon is, look up the forecast that was posted on February 10, 2012.

Planetary shifts this week include Pluto turning retrograde Tuesday at 12:21PM ET and Mars turning direct on Friday at 11:53 PM ET. More on that later this week.

Finally, a brief look at the headlines. On a day when nebulous Neptune challenged Venus, suggesting dreamy charm and/or fantasy, isn’t it wonderful to see an op-ed on the home page of the New York Times about the power of magical thinking  and superstitions  Also of note: this article about one individual leading the charge against an allegedly corrupt system. The individual in question happens to be a 23-year-old woman and a student in Chile. With rebel Uranus in Aries (the individual) squaring Pluto (corruption exposed, transformation, power) in Capricorn (the establishment) for the next three years, we are sure to see many stories from around the world on how the actions of one person are disrupting the system. And since this story went to press under the influence of dreamy Neptune, this particular revolutionary happens to be  “glamorous” Coincidence or conspiracy?

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