Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 3/30/2015: Sneak Peek at the Week

Good Morning!

What wandering drama will Monday bring? The Leo Moon goes void at 9:57 AM ET and doesn’t enter Virgo until 2:12 PM on Tuesday. Focus on routine and roll with the twists and flakes that may come your way. You’ll also want to roll with a couple of wobbles between now and midday Tuesday,  as two planets change signs.

First is Mercury, which leaves Pisces for Aries at 9:44 AM ET. That should pick up the pace of mindset and communication. Wait and see if there is any fallout from the New Moon/eclipse on March 20th, as Mercury will trigger that degree — 29 Pisces — before it enters Aries. Prominent endings making headlines, perhaps.

Second is Mars, which leaves Aries for Taurus at 12:27 PM ET on Tuesday. So — mindset and communication speed up; action (Mars) slows down, becomes more deliberate and stubborn in its need to build a monument (Taurus), as opposed to leading a crusade (Aries).

Wednesday is apt for moving forward on the details of your organizational project, buoyed by an impassioned mindset and overall optimism that will carry through Thursday. Be advised that the Moon will be void from 5:01 AM ET Thursday until 3:07 AM ET on Friday. Better to ship or initiate on Wednesday.

By Thursday we’ll be feeling the buzz of a few notable events happening over the weekend. On Saturday we’ll have a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 14 Libra/Aries. As the Moon waxes full, emotions are often heightened — doubly so, given the eclipse. Plus this Full Moon will engage Uranus and Pluto on Saturday, suggesting upsets, revelations, and power plays. This potential volatility continues through next Wednesday, as Sun and Mercury also make contact with these two heavies.

And now, the news.

Italy’s highest court stunned many on Friday when it finally — once and for all — overturned the murder conviction of Amanda Knox, whose horoscope has been written about previously in this forecast. The last time I looked at her horoscope, my sense was that she was due for an upset — potentially liberating — when transiting Uranus made its first challenge to her Sun on April 10th. And indeed, she has been set free!

So now the question is how will the dreamy/bewildering transit of Neptune to her Gemini Ascendant play out? It won’t be through the “ego wipeout” she might have experienced if the conviction had been upheld. Both Uranus and Neptune will be active in her horoscope through February 2016. Creativity, charitable causes, and rose-colored glasses are possibilities.

Meanwhile, here’s a stunning Uranus-Pluto disruption of the status quo of energy resources. The city of Georgetown, Texas has opted to switch to “100% renewable energy” — not to save the planet, mind you — but because it’s simply the most cost-effective thing to do. Here’s another green trend: the “passive house,” a concept that developed in Germany. Lower energy bills and even more benefits can be yours, says this in-depth piece from the NYT.

But let’s focus on today. A Leo Moon favors creative self-expression and a sense of play — especially when it is void. Thus, I hope you will appreciate this NYT story about an artist who is enjoying success as a creator of coloring books — for grown-ups.

Leo also refers to cats of all colors, and this NYT op-ed sings their praises. Purrrrfect — like the day you’re about to experience — right?

To find out why you are the way you are — when and why things happen when they do — and how you can use awareness of planetary cycles to live your life better, consider scheduling a personal astro-logical consultation. Even if you don’t believe in astrology, rest assured that astrology believes in you.

Thank you for reading this forecast.


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