Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 1/16/2012: Of Dreams, Martin Luther King,Jr. and Mars Retrograde
A third challenge to your New Moon agenda may present itself today, even though you may not be at the office. It’s a holiday for most in the U.S., and the markets here are closed. Still, you can be energized by the 3rd Quarter Moon that pushes you up and at ’em this morning (the aspect is exact at 4:08AM ET).
Mixed messages at 10AM and 10:29AM ET — first from a serious connection to the people-pleasing Moon in Libra from disciplinarian Saturn, seeking to cut out the fat. More austerity is likely in store — and a challenge to leaders everywhere — when Saturn challenges the Sun on Thursday….but we’ll likely be feeling the influence all week. We’ll see how the European and Asian markets respond to all the downgrades issued on Friday
The second AM connection is a dreamy swoon between nebulous Neptune and that peace-seeking Moon in Libra (West Coasters note your dreams), followed by a Moon void until 11:33AM ET, suggesting a natural rest period and a slower than usual start to the day. At 11:33AM ET Moon enters moody bastard Scorpio, seeking knowledge for the sake of power and control…but lo! Today, the moody bastard Scorpio Moon is aspected by an enthusiastic and possible expensive connection from lucky Jupiter (1:34PM ET), and a delightful kiss from Venus at 5:05PM ET, which favors social connections of all kind. If you need to gather intelligence today, do it.Your target may actually play along and you can plumb some delightful depths….
Today we honor the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., who was actually born on January 15, 1929 at 11:21AM in Atlanta, GA. King was a Sun Sign Capricorn (the energy to make things happen in order to move forward), with Moon in Pisces, which needs to work with the collective soul and other intangibles…a dream, perhaps? Interesting to note that a child born today would have more than one pattern in the horoscope that is similar to King’s: Jupiter at the beginning of Taurus, which seeks the reward of material comfort and security; and rebel Uranus running wild at the beginning of the pioneering Aries. Also running wild: mental Mercury in humanitarian Aquarius and Venus, ruling social expression, in Pisces (echoing the Pisces Moon). Sounds like a recipe for a brilliant orator to me. Also noted in King’s horoscope: Jupiter is involved in a pattern that suggests tremendous self-sufficiency; and stern Saturn is challenging Mars in what could have been quite a militant, rigid approach…except that Mars is retrograde. King was wise to use this energy to advocate a peaceful approach. If you’re a regular reader of this forecast, you know that Mars will turning retrograde next week, suggesting a three-month long strategy session. Consider how MLK put a retrograde Mars to good use, and remember, as of January 23rd: No fights. No lawsuits. No wars! Got that?
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