Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 12/23-26/2013: Sneak Peek at the Week

Soulful, spiritual and dreamy on the one hand; volatile and illuminating on the other hand.  Dominant planetary patterns this week include the breakthrough or breakout challenge between aggressive Mars and rebel Uranus (exact on Christmas Day), versus cooperative connections among the enterprising Capricorn Sun, Capricorn Mercury and nebulous Neptune (exact on the 24th and 26th, respectively). Mercury leaves high-flying Sagittarius for earthy Capricorn on Tuesday at 5:12AM ET, suggesting a need to think less about big philosophical constructs and more about how to make them happen.

Today is quiet, compared to the potential for the rest of the week. The Virgo Moon is humming along, seeking to make things right with easy efficiency today. Please see thoughts posted in the weekend forecast for the joys of Moon in Virgo.

Tuesday is also a full-fledged work day, for those who would like to make it so. The Virgo Moon is well-supported by expansive Jupiter and constructive Saturn and the evening ends on a lovely trine between Venus and Moon before going void for a couple of hours at 10:54PM ET — no big deal. The only caveat is how soon we may see the more intense reflections of Wednesday’s Mars-Uranus challenge, given that Mars is notoriously trigger-happy and it is in Libra, sign of relationship. Uranus is notoriously erratic, especially in me-me-me Aries — the point being that this is an impatient and impulsive aspect that often manifests ahead of schedule. So don’t be surprised if you’re surprised.

Speaking of relationship, Moon enters Libra at 1:17AM ET on Christmas Day, needing so much to be popular, considerate and appreciated. However, that Mars-Uranus challenge will be all over the Libra Moon throughout the day, along with the Sun and Mercury. “Lively” would be one way to describe the potential quality of your interactions today, and if you’re interacting with anyone who has planets or angles around 8 to 11 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, those folks are likely to be livelier than other — and definitely more easily provoked. Be careful on the roads and around heavy machinery. Making time for a physical release that is not driven by an angry outburst would be a productive use of the high-voltage energy of this day.

On the 26th, also known as Boxing Day and also Kwanzaa, the only challenge to the Libra Moon’s need for peace and balance is from expansive Jupiter at 9:01AM ET — hardly a challenge at all, unless it’s to your wallet. Note your dreams that morning, suggested by a productive channel between mental Mercury and visionary Neptune. Let the dust settle.

There’s plenty to write about in the news, but in this moment the story I feel like sharing is one that reflects a positive manifestation of the feisty pioneering potential of rebel Uranus in Aries. The headline is “How to Monetize Your Closet” and it’s about a business that allows individuals to profit — including you, if you like. Another story that reflects the visionary potential of all the rose-colored Neptune energy of the next few days is called “37 Things You’ll Regret When You’re Old”.  Then there’s this gem, “Iceland’s Hidden Elves Delay Road Projects”, a Neptune story if there ever was one…and now, if you’ll excuse me, I am going to go bake some cookies to leave for Santa Claus, whom I believe with all my heart will be climbing down my chimney with loads of presents on Christmas Eve. Magical!

A personal astro-logical consultation would make a lovely gift — for yourself or a special someone on your holiday shopping list. I have  seven festive gift certificates left to email or snail mail — here’s the 411.

Donations are always welcome, with gratitude for your expression of appreciation. I’ll also mail you a nifty Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide bookmark, so you’ll always know when that trickster planet is doing its backwards shuffle — and how to handle it.


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