Astro-logical Forecast for Wednesday 1/1/2014: New Moon in Capricorn; Ambitious & Resourceful

The New Moon in  Capricorn officially begins today at  6:19AM ET, offering us an opportunity to re-set  intentions and goals for the next lunar cycle.  Around the 7th, on the First Quarter Moon, we can expect a challenge to those goals, with appropriate adjustments made. At the time of the Full Moon on the 15th, we can expect illumination on the success or failure of our goals for the cycle. If we succeeded, we can consciously release our success into our reality; if we failed, we let go of whatever did not work. After the Third Quarter Moon on the 24th, we can review our achievements, tie up loose ends and get ready to begin another New Moon on January 30th.

Capricorn is an earthy, enterprising, social-climbing energy which means business like no other sign in the zodiac. Capricorn knows how to use resources (including people) to get what it needs, which is to make things happen and move things forward. This New Moon chart has five planets in Capricorn, four of which are not only in an intense conjunction, but are also making contact with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square. Yea verily, I say to you: this is time to forge boldly ahead with a venture that promises a profound liberation, transformation or empowerment.

As I said in yesterday’s forecast (please refer to it for details on precise planetary patterns), this is a time to ask deep questions and listen intently to the answers you receive. Re-assess your partnerships. Why are you in them? Are they more or less valuable now than when they began? Are the parties involved moving forward on the same path? Consider hardcore, honest discussions about resources required to make dreams a reality. With rose-colored Neptune running wild in the New Moon chart, there should be no short supply of vision. Sketch out realistic plans and make them happen.

The four planets in a potent Capricorn hook-up in this New Moon chart are the Sun and Moon (obviously), mental Mercury and ruthless Pluto. That’s your concentrated investigative focus and piercing communication potential. These four are challenged by action hero Mars and rebel Uranus, adding willpower and breakthrough to the potential. Meanwhile, expansive Jupiter is in nurturing Cancer, adding its big, fat two cents to the pattern. These ambitious goals you have? How are they meeting the need for emotional and home security? Take advantage of the harmonious connection between the expansive potential of Jupiter, supported by “get real” Saturn in “did I mention ‘get real?'” Scorpio.

The fifth planet in Capricorn is Venus (social expression, love, money, beauty), and it is currently retrograde through the end of January. This is the pattern that suggests an opportunity to review your relationships, financial and aesthetic projects in the same way that Mercury retrograde offers an opportunity to review and reorganize your closets, thoughts and other clutter. Here’s a fun Venus retrograde-themed essay that’s been getting a lot of  attention on the web in which a newly-wedded man comes to realize that marriage isn’t for him. Such a revelation!

You are likely feeling the ambitious push of this New Moon more personally if you were born around the 1st of April, July, October or December…or if you have an angle or planet around 11 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn.

The Sabian Symbol for 11 degrees of Capricorn is “a large group of pheasant on a private estate,” i.e., a bunch of wild birds living in a beautifully structured space created by persons with presumably aristocratic values. This month I’m relying on another Sabian Symbol guru — Dane Rudhyar — to understand how it may be applied to the potential of this dynamic New Moon. This symbol suggests a consideration of how we can “cooperate with Nature to create beauty and elegance by capitalizing on skill and opportunity,” (writes Rudhyar), and I’d add “…in a way that is sustainable.”   It’s interesting to note a potentially major adjustment in values happening in New York, as Bill de Blasio was sworn in as the Big Apple’s 109th mayor just hours ago, vowing to “end social and economic inequalities that threaten to unravel the city we love.”

(Random footnote: Dasani Coates, the homeless 12-year-old whose story was reported in the NYT and linked here a few weeks ago, held the Bible for the swearing-in of New York’s new public advocate — see the link above for pics).

Heads up for those heading back to work tomorrow (Thursday), especially on the East Coast: Moon will be void-of-course from 6:12AM ET until 12:03PM ET. A slow start or twist to your morning routine would not be out of the ordinary. Wait until after 12PM ET to move forward on your ambitious New Moon agenda….and if you’d like some personal astro-logical insight on how to maximize opportunities now and throughout 2014, now is the time to book that consultation, given that I’m back from vacation. Make it so!

Donations are always welcome, with gratitude for your expression of appreciation, as well as a nifty Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide bookmark, so you’ll always know when that trickster planet is doing its backwards shuffle — and how to handle it. Thank you for reading — and sharing — this forecast.

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