Astro-logical Forecast for Monday 10/6/2014: Sneak Peek at a Rollicking Week
Good Morning!
Just roll with that salutation if you happen to be reading this at 10PM; after all, Mercury is retrograde. This was obvious at Costco on Friday night, when the cash register at the checkout line went on the blink. That was fixed, and then the clerk rang up the Kleenex and butter twice, and missed the goat cheese. Efforts to remedy the situation failed; a higher authority had to be summoned, which presented its own unique challenge. And so on.
Meanwhile, on Sunday my neighbor was howling with indignation when she was cited for making a left turn at an intersection where it has always always always been legal…until NOW. Yeah, signs were allegedly posted advising motorists of the change in traffic patterns, but she did not see them — and the traffic cop was unsympathetic. So please stay focused out there, OK? Especially around 6:35AM ET on Monday, when the dreamy Pisces Moon will be challenged by action hero Mars in Sagittarius, the sign which rules righteous opinions and banana peels.
The rest of the day is held together by a stabilizing connection to the Moon from constructive Saturn. This can aid your focus on routine tasks once the Moon goes void at 3:38PM ET. Moon enters Aries at 6:07AM ET, adding its me-me-me impulsive drive to the electric and emotional release suggested by Wednesday’s Full Moon and lunar eclipse at 6:51AM ET. And here I would be referring to the electric and/or rebellious potential of Tuesday’s face-off between the Sun in Libra (relationship) and Uranus in Aries (a maverick, if ever there was one). This is followed by Wednesday’s challenge between Venus (love, women, money, art) and ruthless Pluto, bringing the relationship issues suggested by this cycle’s New Moon into sharper focus.
Here’s what happened the last time Venus made contact with the Uranus-Pluto square; here’s what happened when the Sun was similarly engaged. On Wednesday and Friday, we’ll experience a likely abundance of physical energy, for better or worse, as expansive Jupiter supports Mars (action!) and the Sun (ego drive). There is plenty of potential for breakthroughs, if you can just keep from tripping over the furniture in all of the excitement. Focus. Double check everything. Thrice. Enjoy! In your own personal world, you’ll be more affected by current patterns if you have a planet or point around 15 degrees of Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Cancer…or if you were born halfway through those signs. Consult your local astrologer for details.
Your Moon voids for the rest of the week: Wednesday, 10:20AM ET until 7:44AM ET on Thursday; Friday 8:49PM ET until 11:51AM ET on Saturday. Avoid impulse purchases, finalizing important decisions and making mountains out of molehills…especially since Mercury is retrograde!
And now, the news.
A number of travel glitches made headlines over the weekend…coincidence or conspiracy? Tires blew out on an attempted take-off at LAX; a smoker caused delays at JFK…amd meanwhile, did we not say to keep an eye out for some “especially interesting sports matches” during the Moon void on Saturday? Yes, we did, and the Giants and the Nationals did not disappoint in an “epic” 18-inning match in San Francisco. And I almost typed “18 hours” instead of “18-inning”. Focus!
In light of the curious Sabian Symbol of this New Moon cycle, I’ve been keeping an eye out for news involving matters of race. So here’s a curious item: a lesbian couple is suing a sperm bank for a major screw-up, pun obviously intended. The couple was expecting a blonde, blue-eyed child; instead they are raising an adorable bi-racial daughter. The “grievances” they cite in their suit are sobering and may well foster plenty of water-cooler debates. As it turns out, Mercury was retrograde when the couple first selected their donor, and may have been in its “shadow phase” when the second order was placed and sent. It does appear Mercury was retrograde when the baby was conceived in December of 2011. Fascinating…
Meanwhile, Mitt Romney may continue to enjoy some of the most supportive measurements a horoscope could hope for into early 2015. With what’s going on in his horoscope, it’s no surprise that one poll taken during the summer reported that he would be elected over Barack Obama if the election were held then. And there he was, getting lovely press in the NYT magazine on Sunday. Will he run again? We could see him giving it serious consideration between now and early October, with thoughts of an expanded public outreach in late summer. Time will tell.
Last, but far from least: reflecting the empowered position of Pluto in current planetary patterns, it seems the symbolic Lord of the Underworld has moved one step closer to regaining its status as a planet. Funny that on April 1st, the rocket scientists at the website FromQuarksToQuasars posted an announcement saying the same thing — on a day with a similar empowering square between Pluto and the Sun. That announcement was supposed to be a joke. Looks like Pluto may have the last laugh. As it well should. Bwahahahahahaha!
What’s going on in your horoscope?
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