Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 7/22/2011 and the Weekend: Nasty, Naughty Bits

Friday begins with a continued charge set by the pioneering Aries Moon on Wednesday and Thursday, but likely with less bumps and jolts — ending with a sigh as the Moon goes void at 5:34PM ET. Angelenos, I hope you can skip out of town early today. If there are bumps and jolts, a control freak who running — out of control (!) — might be the source. Check to see that it isn’t you.
Moon enters stubborn, sensual, stability craving Taurus at 12:58AM ET on Saturday and is immediately challenged by the Sun in playful Leo. Bring it on! Overindulgence is a possibility today, but you’re likely to have a lot of fun indulging in your guilty pleasures all through Sunday. With a Moon void on Monday from 9:12AM to 12:34PM ET, you should have plenty of extra time to recover before the work week begins. You’ll then have four days to get things signed, sealed and delivered. Moon is void all day on Friday. Mercury is grinding to a halt (metaphorically speaking) and turns retrograde on August 2nd. Back up your computers NOW. I have learned the hard way how machines have an odd way of spazzing out under this planetary pattern.

In other news, I confess I do sometimes refrain from posting parts of this forecast. Yesterday I wrote an entire paragraph on likely continued manifestations of an obsessive connection between ruthless Pluto and aggressive Mars AND Venus (social expression, love, art, beauty). I anticipated headlines involving sex, brutality, sharp cuts involving resources or emotions and/or something nasty bubbling up to the surface from underground. I deleted it in the interest of focusing on other patterns which felt more immediately optimistic : )  For the record, however, I would like to note the following headlines:  a high-end prostitution ring likely catering to Wall Street clients is busted ttp://–a sewage spill stinks up the Hudson River in Manhattan X-ray (Pluto refers to radiation) body scanners are allegedly modified and the coal industry scores a victory against regulation and fracking near a Pennsylvania reservoir stuns local residents

Ooh — one more thing. Was anyone watching the markets yesterday? (Of course not, you’re not on assignment at CNBC). But if you were watching the markets, you would have seen them rally on a breaking news headline around lunchtime: “Powers That Be Close To Deal on the Debt Ceiling.” Hooray! A miracle! Minutes later, the headline was denounced as false by wet blankets in all camps. Boooooo! The markets retreated. Why I am telling you this? Read yesterday’s forecast… : )

Have a great weekend!!

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