Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 7/11/2014 & the Weekend: Full Moon in Capricorn

Get down to business; make things happen. Those are the marching orders of the Moon in practical, no-nonsense Capricorn, aided by a softer, intuitive connection to Neptune at 11:12AM ET. West Coasters, note your dreams upon waking.

As the day progresses, intensity and potential for great clarity increases, as the Moon waxes to its fullness and makes its weekly contacts with the never-ending Uranus-Pluto square. Note the potential for a power play or catharsis around 7pmET, as the Moon connects with ruthless Pluto, followed by a shake-up or revelation around 1:45AM ET, as Moon squares Uranus.

The Full Moon is exact at 7:25AM ET on Saturday at 20 degrees of Capricorn, the chart suggests a strong expression (or clash) of wills. Action hero Mars squares the Moon (exact at 12:42PM ET) and it is also within range of another square to the Sun that won’t be exact until next Saturday, but may still be felt now. You’ll feel it more personally if you have a point or angle between 22 and 27 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. If you do not know where your planets are, consider getting an Astro-Basics Report here. If it tells you that your Ascendent is 23 degrees Libra, for example, you’ll understand why you are likely feeling so supercharged.

In contrast to the dynamic patterns of Full Moon, a harmonious contact between Venus (women) and Mars (men) on Sunday morning suggests one possible productive outlet for all that energy.  By then, Moon will be in Aquarius (as of  11:07 pm ET — after a one-hour void), where it will remain all through Sunday and most of Monday. Great for networking and hanging with your friends — the more unconventional the better. Aquarius may also facilitate your inner technogeek and/or rebel humanitarian.

Also of note on Sunday: mental Mercury makes it third and final contact with the Aries Point when it leaves Gemini for Cancer at 12:45AM ET. If you’ve been reading this forecast since the end of May, you may recall Mercury being at the Aries Point around May’s New Moon. After Mercury turned retrograde on June 7th, it hit the Aries Point again around June 17th. Whatever big ideas, mental focus and prominent changes of mindset were active at those times may be up again now. In my opinion, one example of how this prominence of mindset has been reflected in recent headlines is the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS decision, which appears to now allow (religious) beliefs to trump the law. I’ve also seen a number of articles discussing what people believe vs. actual fact –and how they are able to rationalize believing things that are simply not true —  here’s an interesting one from a few days ago.

Last but not least, on October 24th, when news broke that the US had tapped into Angela Merkel’s cellphone, I anticipated that there would be developments on this story right about now (here’s the October 24th forecast). Perhaps you’ve heard that earlier this week, Germany demanded that America’s “top spy” leave the country. As reported in the New York Times

The decision by Chancellor Angela Merkel to publicly announce the expulsion of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Berlin station chief was seen as a highly symbolic expression of the deep anger and hurt that German officials have felt since the exposure of the American espionage operations.

Told ya so.

What’s going on in your horoscope? Make an appointment for a personal consultation and find out. Really, there’s too much going on in the cosmos, reflected in world events, to remain clueless about how it is all likely to impact YOU.


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