Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 5/30/2014 & The Weekend: Home, Sweet Home

Gahhhhhh….these long Moon voids…sometimes it feels like herding cats…only without the cowboys and the epic film score.

Easy does it this morning, as the Moon won’t get into gear until 10:13AM ET. That’s when it enters Cancer, the sign it rules, where it is happy to do what it needs for the sake of nurturing and the comforts of home, family, apple pie.  Want to do some chores around the house this weekend, maybe even a little redecorating? How about a home-cooked meal?

Exact planetary patterns are light and bright today. A meet-up between the Moon and mental Mercury at the Aries Point (0 Cancer) suggests a synchronicity between thoughts and feelings that gets noticed. That happens at 11:49AM ET…followed by a communicative connection between Moon and Venus (social expression) in sensual Taurus. That home-cooked meal will be sounding reeeee-ally good right about then…and into the evening, where a connection to the Moon from dreamy Neptune could prove blissful.

The wee hours of Saturday are driven by — OMG — cowboys and an epic film score (!), suggested by an easy macho/physical alignment between Mars and the Sun at 4:01AM ET. Could get feistier around 5:29AM ET, when the sensitive Cancer Moon may be provoked by a Martian hissyfit…followed by a power play or catharsis around 12PM ET, when Moon is challenged by regenerative Pluto. A revelation or upset is suggested around 4:42PM ET, when Moon is challenged by rebel Uranus…but it all settles down by 10:39PM ET, courtesy of a stabilizing connection from Saturn.

There’s no Moon void to deter you from shopping your heart out on Saturday, but don’t you go near the malls on Sunday. Moon will be void from 2:32AM ET until 9:43PM ET. Chill out and get ready to party — or at least play — when the Moon enters Leo (at 9:43PM ET).

No sleeping in on Monday. Heads up that the Moon will be void for much of the business day on the East Coast on Tuesday…and all of the day next Friday. Plan accordingly.

What’s going on in YOUR horoscope? Plan a strategy for maximizing opportunities in a personal astro-logical consultation. Here’s how to contact me.

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