Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 3/8/2013 & the Weekend: Dark Side of the Moon
Moon continues its sojourn through Aquarius, happy to network and mingle with all sort of weirdos until it hits a bit of a wall at 5:08PM ET when stern Saturn challenges the Moon’s need for freedom and independence. Hmmm. We’ll see how that plays out. The dominant aspect today is Saturn in Scorpio in a rare sextile with Pluto in Capricorn, and this cooperative aspect for dealing with whatever simply must be dealt with was covered in depth in yesterday’s forecast. The sextile is exact at 3:03AM ET, and my favorite manifestation so far is that President Obama lunched with Paul Ryan on a day when I suggested reaching across the aisles. And then he had dinner with a whole bunch of Republicans. How cool is that, and where is my bonus check — that’s what I would like to know.
There’s a buzz of big ideas and information likely flying around, courtesy of a waxing square between mental Mercury and expansive Jupiter, exact at 10:38PM ET on Saturday. Take it all with a grain of salt, as 1) Moon goes void on FRIDAY at 5:08PM ET, not to enter Pisces until 1:19AM ET on SUNDAY and 2) Mercury is still retrograde. But what a nice long rest period of socializing you can have between now and then.
We are in the dark side of the moon; the new lunar cycle begins at 3:51PM ET on Monday. This is the time to wrap things up from the last New Moon agenda, and prepare to reset your intentions for the blast of fresh energy that will arrive on Monday. During these “dark” times we may feel restless or listless, sensing there is something just around the corner, if only we knew what it was.
Go with the flow on Sunday; the Moon will be in dreamy Pisces, and well supported by a crew of lovely planets. A productive conversation that broadens the mind is suggested around suppertime ET. Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour on Sunday; Daylight Savings Time begins at 2AM — Spring is almost here. Hooray!
***Mercury is retrograde until March 17th. It is an excellent time for REconnecting and REview. Why not review your life in a personal astro-logical consultation? Details are on the Services & FAQs page, or just click here***
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