Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 3/4/2011 and the Weekend: New Moon in Pisces
On this last day of the lunar cycle, go with the flow and wrap things up that you started a month ago. If feelings of listlessness or restlessness come, as they often do on the dark side of the Moon, this is your intuition telling you that the new cycle is just around the corner. Patience!
The New Moon in Pisces is exact at 3:46PM EST. There’s no let up on the frantic, quantum-leaping pace we’ve been on since the powerful eclipse of the Winter Solstice…until Mercury turns retrograde on March 30th. So…let’s go! But…where?
The chart for the New Moon features a lingering challenge to expansive Jupiter from ruthless Pluto (exact last Friday–please review the forecast for that day), suggesting resources — new and old — will be high on the agenda this month. There’s also a challenge to the North Node (group consciousness) from rebel Uranus, so eager to shake up the status quo in sudden, prominent ways…adhering to themes of freedom, universal suffering, compassion and brother/sisterhood.
The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon of 14 Pisces suggests unseen forces at work…later to be revealed, behind all the obvious turmoil. And perhaps this may prove to be useful in your own personal agenda. “A lady in a fox fur stole” is the Sabian Symbol for 14 Pisces, suggesting, writes astrologer Blain Bovee, “cunning camouflage for family protection.” Whereas last month’s New Moon suggested an audacious, yet boring (i.e., relentless and penetrating) approach, this month’s strategy suggests presenting an image that fits in — with style, with elegance, with thought. Just imagine this lady gliding through society, effortlessly, with a natural sense of belonging. Where do you belong? How can you gain acceptance? Go with the flow! Hmmm.
On the flip side, I wonder if we will see manifestations of some groups or individuals, having gained acceptance by seeming to fit in, pushing quite a different agenda at later time. Let’s watch and see if it plays out in the headlines. Saturday: a day for — going with the flow. What else, with five planets in Pisces? Yes, you can shop — or better yet, feed your soul — there’s no Moon void until 11:34 EST — and that’s only for 100 minutes.
After a possible jolt or a surprise twist, Moon enters pioneering, me-first Aries, bringing a more assertive energy to the table. Most of it should be delightful, save for a bit of a moody power battle in the early afternoon on Sunday. Put it into a creative project; do something physical (climb a mountain); work it out.
I am thrilled to be in Los Angeles for the weekend…there until the 14th. I still have appointments available for personal consultations, as I will be gently reminding you all week. That’s one of the secrets to effective marketing, you know. Say it once, say it again, say it again and again. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
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