Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 3/22/2013 & The Weekend: Fiery, Festive & Matt Lauer, Too.
Party on, dude and mind the fireworks. Moon entered fun-loving Leo as of 2:50AM ET; a jolly good time can be had in the most regal way from now through part of Sunday. Just be aware that the mood has changed dramatically since Monday, with Sun and Venus now in me-me-me Aries, The compassion and empathy of the past month’s pile-up of planets in Pisces is being replaced by the falling down stairs because it’s faster than walking, “my way or the highway” Aries approach. You got a problem with that?
Mars and rebel Uranus join forces in this most RAMbunctious sign at 2:17PM ET, likely triggering outbursts of energy and revelations which may take the form of scientific/tech breakthroughs, seismic activity, accidents and temper tantrums. Watch the headlines for things like this mind-blowing quantum computer and this supercool picture of the internet, which apparently required the breaking of thousands of boundaries in order to be made. How do you get an Aries to do something? Tell them it just can’t be done. Ha!
The Leo Moon, with its energy for drama and recognition is beautifully supported all through the day. How will you use it to shine — and allow others to shine, too? Not until 11:28PM ET does it go void on a potentially chilly connection with stern Saturn. How dare they rain on your parade?
Moon is void all day on Saturday — perfect for a long rest; not perfect at all for impulsive shopping purchases. Not until 11:49AM ET on Sunday does the Moon enter perfectionist Virgo, putting things back in order from whatever partying was going on. Then get ready for another TWO DAYS of Moon void-ness, as of 8:45AM ET Monday through 5:32PM ET on TUESDAY. Those of you taking vacation time for Passover, Good Friday & Easter are so in tune with the cosmos….
And now the news. First, a correction to yesterday’s forecast, written during a pesky Moon void, in which I incorrectly referenced a chart calculated for the euro on January 1, 0199 instead of 1999. D’oh! I apologize for the error and any confusion caused. Fortunately, the shake-ups and transformation suggested by ruthless Pluto and rebel Uranus hitting the euro’s Sun at 10 Capricorn still apply. In fact, any person, place or thing that came into being around Dec 30 – Jan 2 of any year is up for empowerment, emancipation and/or a disruption to the status quo that’s been in process for a couple of years and will likely continue into 2014. Same goes for those born around Mar 29 – Apr 2, Jun 29 – July 2 and Sep 29 to Oct 2.
Take Matt Lauer, for example. Here’s his horoscope, calculated for noon, as the birth time is unknown. Born on December 30th, 1957, he has Sun at 8 degrees of Capricorn, and first written about in this forecast back in 2011, when there were rumblings that he might not renew his contract when it expired at the end of 2012. With Pluto and Uranus poised to connect with the Sun, issues of power and freedom, and a change of status were clearly suggested at that time. If he hadn’t stayed on at Today, he would have been on to something else perhaps more personally empowering or freeing. Really, a change of course seemed astro-logical.
As it turned out, Lauer did not leave. A demand for an approximately 50% pay raise to 25 million dollars a year was met. Empowering — and how fulfilling, perhaps, for Lauer’s Moon in Aries, which needs to know it is Number One. He stayed on at Today. And then it appears he was involved in a power play (Pluto!) last year when former co-host Ann Curry was ungraciously shown the door. And viewers did not like seeing Ann Curry in tears as they were sipping their morning coffee. This power play appears to have backfired.
Fast forward to December of 2012, on the third hit of Pluto to Lauer’s Sun, and viewers now blame him for pushing Curry out. Ratings have fallen. He is no longer Number One (ouch!). As unpredictable Uranus is about to challenge Lauer’s Sun, his status has clearly been disrupted. And these two planets are not done with him yet. They will continue to put pressure on Lauer to make changes that will — if embraced — ideally lead to real empowerment and freedom. There is now talk of him replacing Alex Trebek as the host of Jeopardy! when his Today contract expires in 2015. To be continued…
Do you have Pluto and Uranus dancing on a major planet or angle in your horoscope? This is a time for big changes. Be prepared! Consult your local astrologer for further details.
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