Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 1/25/2013 & the Weekend: Party Hearty

On Thursday we were talking about two patterns that are exact today that suggest the potential for downs, followed by ups. A serious challenge between mental Mercury and stern Saturn at 1:42PM ET may find dealing with one heck of a stubborn, conservative mindset. Who invited the wet blanket to this party? With the Moon still in sensitive Cancer, try not to take it personally. Besides, odds are strong your mood will lighten as the day progresses and carries you off to a wild celebration on Saturday. The positive potential of the Mercury-Saturn square is a disciplined focus on building an innovative structure, minus a little fat. If your structure involves your home or family concerns, congratulations on putting the Cancer Moon to good use.

Moon goes void of course at 3:35PM ET, starting the weekend off early.  A trine between the Sun and expansive Jupiter, exact at 10:56PM ET, is oh-so-jolly. The festive vibes continue with the Moon’s ingress into royal Leo, encouraging the drama queens in all of us to come out and play. Can you have too much of a good thing? Yeah, probably, especially with the Moon exactly full at 11:38PM ET. Oh what swell party it can be — though you may be feeling just a tad hungover on Sunday morning. Fortunately planetary activity is fairly light…and the Leo Moon will still be shining bright.

Heads up that the Moon will be void-of-course on Monday from 11:59AM ET until 6:27PM ET, when Moon finally enters Virgo. That’s when the accounting will likely begin. Until then…party on, dudes!

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