Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 12/12/14 & The Weekend
Early risers on the East Coast may feel the exuberance of an easy alignment between mental Mercury and expansive Jupiter building to a release at 6:24AM ET. Wake up with a big idea? How ambitious you really feel about it may be challenged by a potentially stern clash between Saturn and the Leo Moon, as the Moon then goes void until 10:19A ET. A slow start, a twist or other detour may be part of your morning commute, as efforts to move forward in a straight line are potentially thwarted by the void.
The rest of the day is driven by the Moon in Virgo, seeking to fine tune the details or clean up the mess that emerged in the past 48 hours by regal Moon in Leo decree. Will the Senate pass the trillion-dollar spending bill that weaseled its way through the House last night without trying to make it right? Schedule an intoxicating escape around 8:29PM ET, when the Moon is challenged by dreamy Neptune.
The only exact planetary pattern of note on Saturday is a deep and regenerative alignment between the Moon and potent Pluto. Let that drive your efforts to clean out what is no longer needed in your closets and file cabinets, including the ones you have in your mind. An urge to purge may continue through Sunday in a big way for some. Others may simply be indulging in big ways, suggested by an easy connection between the high-flying Sagittarius Sun and expansive Jupiter. How lucky for those on your holiday gift list if you happen to be shopping today. Why not consider a gift certificate for a personal astro-logical consultation? You’d be purchasing it at a time that is ripe for perfection and transformation. Those born around the 14th of December, April and August may be feeling the love more than most. Enjoy!
Sunday’s 3rd Quarter Moon suggests another adjustment to your New Moon agenda, as you determine if plans laid a few weeks ago will bear fruit. In contrast to the high-voltage current driving the 6th exact Pluto-Uranus square (Monday at 1:14AM ET), a cooperative connection between artsy Venus and Neptune supports random acts of kindness and senseless beauty in your own personal world.
No sleeping in on Monday.
Will post news later.
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