Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 11/30/2012 & The Weekend: Jolly Good Show!

The day starts off dreamily enough — especially for East Coasters, who must still meet the challenge of the void-of-course Moon until 8:55AM ET. Then, after a day and a half of wandering, Moon gets into gear and enters Cancer. Moon rules Cancer, where it is happy to do what it needs for the sake of nurturing and the comforts of home, family, apple pie and whatever is in the bank. We may see a surprise, jolt or other revelation when Moon squares Uranus at 6:22PM ET; a stabilizing connection between Moon and disciplined Saturn kicks in a few hours later. For West Coasters, you may bear witness to a power play or other high state of emotion when Moon opposes ruthless Pluto at 1:36AM ET/10:36 PM PT.

Saturday morning may inspire passion of a juicy kind when Moon is opposed by macho Mars at 7:01AM, followed by an easy connection from loving Venus. This is a good day to shop for everyone on your list (keeping in mind, of course, that your astrologer is offering a Special One-Hour Holiday Consultation from now through January 1st — which can be scheduled after the New Year). Merchants and gift recipients will love you, and here’s why:

First, the Moon is not void (and it will be nearly all day on Sunday). Second, Sun and Jupiter will be in exact opposition on Sunday at 8:45 PM ET, suggesting an exuberant mood and credit cards swiped to the limit. The inclination to indulge is high! But seriously — I’d do the shopping on Saturday, not Sunday. Purchases made during voids often prove to be far less useful than you thought — or just plain wrong.

The last thing I bought during a void should have been a no-brainer,  as all I needed was a new tube of tinted moisturizer from the Clarins counter at Bloomingdale’s. But noooooo….I got home only to discover that it was the wrong shade of pale. Void! Clearly Vice President Biden was not paying attention to his astrologer when he went shopping at Costco during yesterday’s all-day void — what was he thinking?? Gotta love Costco, though.

Sunday is another long day of voidness, starting at 1:55AM. Cancer voids are grand for doing things around the house.  Moon enters Leo at 8:57PM ET. This placement, combined with Sun-Jupiter opposition suggests a jolly good time. Invite some friends over for dinner and feed them all the yummy treats you made while the Moon was void in Cancer. Enjoy!



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