Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 11/14/2014 & the Weekend: Neptune Direct; the Perfect Timing of President Obama (and GWB, Too)

Good Morning!

An optimistic meet-up between the regal/playful Leo Moon and expansive Jupiter drives the start of the day, exact at 9:18AM ET. You may not even need that cup of coffee. Patterns the rest of the day are more charged. The Third Quarter Moon at 10:15AM ET suggests another challenge on a project begun at the New Moon — will it bear fruit? At the end of the day — 5:03PM ET — stern Saturn challenges the Moon. Will the markets, which have been expanding mightily under this week’s expansive and volatile patterns, dip a bit? Regardless, pleasure-seeking indulgence is suggested this evening, as  Moon squares Venus at 9:53PM ET and then goes void until 2:08AM ET. Chill!

On Saturday, the discerning Virgo Moon would love to help you get things organized and perfect. Midday may be a little dreamy or muddled, suggested by a face-off between the Moon and nebulous Neptune. Sunday, the Virgo organizational vibe continues, aided by a cooperative connective between Mercury and Pluto that may be piercing and ruthless, but also may offer a fresh perspective that is perfect for getting rid of things that no longer serve. It’s a good time to check out the options as open enrollment begins for health care plans as mandated by the Affordable Care Act. Even if you signed up for a plan last year, prices have changed, so do some comparison shopping and you might save some cash.

And speaking of fresh, Venus — which refers to women, love, art, money — leaves intense and controlling Scorpio for high-flying Sagittarius at 2:04PM ET, ready for a gamble or a gambol in social expression. Such a relief, even if some may trip over the furniture. Earlier that day, Neptune turns direct, ending a five month period of subtle focus on your own dreams and intuition for guidance.

When a planet is retrograde, the suggestion is to turn inward on issues involving that planet, as opposed to looking outside the self.  You’ll feel the effects of Neptune’s change of station more personally if you were born 5-7 days into Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius…or if you have a planet or angle at 5-7 degrees of those signs. What kind of effects? Oh….perhaps you are feeling somewhat bewildered…or less inclined to be in Type A personality mode (if you are normally a Type A personality). You may find yourself needing to express your creativity — even if you have never thought of yourself as a “creative” person. You may also find being of service richly rewarding.

And now, the news.

Funny how yesterday’s Sun-Jupiter square coincided with headlines about the Sun. The International Business Times reported this gem:

A US government renewable energy programme described by Republicans as “disgusting” and “a colossal failure” has turned a profit for the first time.

The programme is the Department of Energy’s loan program that funded the solar energy company Solyndra, which failed. Now that D.O.E. program expects to reap a $5-6 billion profit on other sustainable energy projects. And former Secretary of Energy (and Nobel Prize winner) Dr. Steven Chu can blithely say to critics, “Nyah, nyah, nyah”.  Have you ever visited the DOE website? Here it is, with helpful bios of the current leadership. Be informed!

For another take on the Sun, gratitude to reader Laura, who forwarded me this headline: “Sunspot Cycles and How They Relate to the Global Shift in Consciousness”.

Elsewhere in energy news, a damning 43-page indictment was filed against former dirty energy baron Don Blankenship, former CEO of Massey Energy, alleging that he was “personally responsible” for hundreds of safety violations and schemes that resulted in the deaths of 29 West Virginia coal miners in 2010. Meanwhile, President Obama is about to announce that the US will invest $3 billion to an international fund dedicated to solving the challenges posed by climate change.

In other news, another NYT article describes President Obama doing exactly what his horoscope suggests he would be doing at this time: being on top of his game and making big initiatives, including a bold plan hinted at yesterday that would likely be “a broad overhaul of the nation’s immigration system.”  I just had to smile at the language used in the first article, as the reporter tries to address how perplexed some may be by President Obama’s assertiveness in light of last week’s midterm election:

The timing of the three different decisions was to some extent a function of separate policy clocks, not simply a White House political strategy. Mr. Obama, for example, had been scheduled….[blah, blah, blah, rationalization, blah]…

Still, even if by happenstance, the back-to-back moves have reinforced Mr. Obama’s desire to assert himself in a period when his poll numbers and political capital are at their lowest ebbs….

Happenstance? How about by horoscope?

In another follow-up story, you may recall the excitement this week about European scientists landing a spacecraft on a comet. Well, that landing took place during a Moon void, and it seems there were a few unexpected twists.

Finally, I mentioned yesterday that people with planets around 21 degrees of Leo would be more likely to feel the sunny expansiveness suggested by Jupiter at that degree. Here’s an example: George W. Bush, who’s been all over the air promoting a book about his father. Mr. Bush has Venus at 21 Leo, strongly placed in his First House, which is one planetary patterns supporting why he’s been described as a guy you’d feel comfortable having a beer with. Venus in the First House suggests likeability.

In any case, the last time I wrote about Mr. Bush’s horoscope was back in April — check it out and decide for yourself if he’s living out the potential suggested by his horoscope.

Thank you for reading this forecast — and for sharing it with your friend, relatives and media mavens. Have a wonderful weekend!

Your donations inspire me to keep writing to keep you entertained and informed. And why wouldn’t you want to keep me inspired? If you’d like to know how planetary patterns are reflected in your unique horoscope,  here’s the 411 on personal consultations. That experience would definitely inspire YOU.



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