Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/7/2011 & the Weekend: Go With the (Creative) Flow

Really. there’s no reason why you can’t tap into a potent source of creativity on Friday, fueled by smooth flowing connections among  loving Venus in even more loving Libra, Moon in friendly Aquarius and nebulous Neptune in Aquarius. Sounds like an airy-pink cotton candy confection to me. A romantic escape? Music, sweet music? Gathering around a campfire in perfect harmony (review this month’s New Moon forecast).  You can wait until after hours, right?

Moon goes void at 6:08PM ET and enters dreamy Pisces at 9:13PM ET, suggesting more potential to go with the flow — and that’s through the whole weekend. Unless you’re up early to shop on Saturday — and only for East Coasters, I don’t recommend a major shopping spree. Moon goes void again on Saturday at 12:51PM ET — not to enter the next sign, Aries, until 8:57AM ET on Monday. Chill, chill, chill! Wander where the spirit takes ye — and be on the lookout for twists, upsets in sports matches, flakes and other detours to efforts made to move in a straight line. On Sunday, during the void, a handyman is scheduled to replace my kitchen faucet. With Moon void of course in a water sign (Pisces), this could be intriguing.

One other note: Venus leaves people-pleasing Libra for the moody bastard sign of Scorpio at 1:50AM ET on Sunday. Issues of depth and control may crop up in your relationships. “If I be waspish, best beware my sting.”

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