Astro-logical Forecast for Friday 10/11/2013: Big

Yea, verily, your blueprint for Friday was delivered in yesterday’s forecast — second paragraph, if you please. Get up and make things happen. That “grandiose” potential I mention comes courtesy of an expansive  and/or expensive square between the airy Libra Sun and Jupiter in watery Cancer, exact on Saturday at 11:08AM ET. How interesting to note a ginormous storm brewing in the Bay of Bengal, and expected to make landfall that afternoon or evening. What other huff and puffery might we see before the weekend is out?

Moon goes void at 8:04PM ET Friday with a sigh…not to enter the next sign, Aquarius, until 2PM ET on Saturday. You know what that means. It’s a fine time sleep in, chill and avoid yard sales. Whatever treasure you think you’ve found is likely to prove useless. Trust me on this, or break the rules and see for yourself. How else will you learn?After 2PM, a jolly good time can be had with friends, the more unconventional, the better.

Meanwhile, Edward Snowden is back in the news again, as I suspected he would be right about now…with  more potential serious headlines perhaps by the month’s end…


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