I was delighted to be invited by New Luminary Agency to offer thoughts on the Full Moon in Aries, exact on October 1st at 3:18 PM ET. Planetary patterns suggested exceptional volatility:
“Events that seemed to be going one way may change course, as fire does when the wind suddenly shifts direction.”
That evening, political headlines in the U.S. were indeed volatile — stunningly so.
It was impossible to imagine how these audio tapes wouldn’t be playing non-stop through the weekend…and so much for the power of imagination. By 1 AM ET Friday, the tapes were blown off the media landscape by an announcement via Twitter that 45 and the First Lady had tested positive for Covid. On Saturday it was reported that Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel, Hope Hicks and the president of Notre Dame — who all attended the prior week’s mask-free Rose Garden nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to to SCOTUS — tested positive, too.
The wind suddenly shifted direction. Astrology is amazing. The full article in New Lumis here:
https://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.png00Elisabeth Gracehttps://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.pngElisabeth Grace2020-10-21 17:00:092020-10-22 00:24:22Thoughts on a Full Moon in Aries
UPDATE: on Jacinda Ardern, who was re-elected in a landslide on October 17th, just days before an exact pattern suggesting an expansion of power and resources. This pattern in mentioned in the TMA article as a suggestion that Ardern would win a second term. What’s fun about it, from an astro-logical point of view, is that the election was originally scheduled in September, but was delayed because of Covid concerns. It appears Ardern’s triumph simply had to happen in sync with the patterns of her horoscope, which argued for an election victory in October, not September!
UPDATE: Captain Sir Tom did not have to wait until December (for the last transit of Jupiter to his Mars) to be formally knighted by Queen Elizabeth. That honor happened in sync with transiting Jupiter to his Venus on July 15th (the ceremony was on July 17th). It makes me wonder about a possible Taurus Ascendant, with a Midheaven around 22 Capricorn, where Jupiter was in April and July.
https://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.png00Elisabeth Gracehttps://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.pngElisabeth Grace2020-10-21 16:39:552022-03-25 11:16:16Charts in the News: Jacinda Ardern, Little Richard & Captain Sir Thomas Moore
NOV 2020 UPDATE: on Joe Biden. Transiting Neptune is still hovering at the base of his horoscope, and we’ve seen it in play all year. He spent the summer campaigning mostly from his basement via Zoom, restricting his public appearances out of an abundance of Covid-conscious caution. The upside of Neptune is also being reflected, as he’s being appreciated for his compassion and stated desire to heal our divided nation in a “battle for the nation’s soul.” It’s worth noting that his Neptune is on the Midheaven of the U.S. Sibley chart.
Not only that, but those who were skeptical that his moderate image would be enough to prevail in an election have been won over by the material comfort and security he represents (thank you, Moon in Taurus), along with an optimistic outlook (thank you, Sagittarius rising). His insider’s perspective and ability to persuade from behind-the-scenes (thank you, planets in Scorpio in the 12th House), are now seen as assets.
On November 20th (today), he celebrates his 78th birthday. Mercury has just come out of its shadow period and is conjunct his Mars. The results of the Nov 3rd election are no longer in doubt; Biden-Harris won the popular vote and the Electoral College. We can expect continued drama through the Winter Solstice (as his opponent refuses to concede and is blocking a peaceful transition of power), but planetary patterns in the president-elect’s horoscope do support increased power and resources in the last two weeks of January.
https://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.png00Elisabeth Gracehttps://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.pngElisabeth Grace2020-10-21 03:29:542022-07-05 15:52:07Charts in the News: Joe Biden, Italy, Andrew Cuomo, Typhoid Mary
This commentary was written at the end of January 2020 and published in the April/May 2020 issue of Mountain Astrologer — read it here: 420 TMA Charts in the News
UPDATE:Michael Bloomberg dropped out of the presidential race on March 4th, a few weeks after the first pass of transiting Saturn to his Ascendant The second pass is August 23rd, days after the Democratic National Convention.
https://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.png00Elisabeth Gracehttps://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.pngElisabeth Grace2020-07-30 17:59:092020-07-30 18:06:40Charts in the News: Michael Bloomberg, Elizabeth Wurtzel, Noel Tyl & Lizzo
The International Society for Astrological Research asked me to write a piece explaining why it chose the December 21, 2020 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius as the theme of its next global conference. For those looking for a hopeful progression out of the extremes of control, breakdown and harsh reality checks reflected by this year’s conjunctions among Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, you may be inspired by December’s Great Mutation (that’s the technical term).
The article is in three parts. First, it explains the mechanics and significance of Jupiter and Saturn’s 20-year cycle, and how that 20 year cycle is part of two bigger cycles of 200 years and 800 years in duration. Second, it ponders what this new Jupiter-Saturn cycle may bring over the course of the next 200 years. The third part of the article focuses on conference talks that are specific to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.
https://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.png00Elisabeth Gracehttps://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.pngElisabeth Grace2020-04-24 01:43:262020-04-24 14:33:03What’s So Great About A Great Mutation?
We now have a confirmed birth time for Adam Schiff — and here is a link to his horoscope. Schiff has a 13 Cancer Ascendant, conjunct the 13 Cancer Sun of the United States. His 13 Gemini Moon falls on the US Descendant; his 0 Cancer Sun and Venus are conjunct the US Venus and square the US Midheaven; his Mercury is conjunct the US Mercury and opposite its Pluto. With this confirmed birth time, we can see how personally connected Schiff is to this country — and how, during the impeachment hearings, he worked tirelessly to speak for the high ideals our national horoscope suggests.
Schiff’s Sun and Moon will be affected by three eclipses in June and July. These eclipses are similar to the series of three lunations (one of which was an eclipse) that happened in December 2018 and January 2019. That’s when the House Democrats reclaimed their majority, and Schiff became Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. So we should keep an eye out for a sudden shift in the weeks after the Summer Solstice.
Meanwhile, I wasn’t quite sure what to make of a pattern in Rudy Giuliani‘s horoscope suggesting a stroke of luck or a possible expansion, exact this summer. Now we know that while he’s faded from the front page, he’s launched a YouTube channel. True to the potential of his natal Neptune on the Ascendant, several of the videos posted promote certain drugs that could be used in the battle against Covid-19. These drugs have since been debunked by actual scientists. The stroke of luck is that the trial of Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman (Giuliani associates charged with campaign finance violations), has been pushed back until 2021 — after the November election.
Finally, fellow TMA scribe and asteroid astrology specialist Alex Miller was inspired to add to the analysis of Cesar Gabriel Cortez’s fatal fall (into a manhole) in a recent blog post.
https://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.png00Elisabeth Gracehttps://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.pngElisabeth Grace2020-04-23 17:49:392020-04-24 02:08:59Charts in the News: Jane Austen, Rudy Giuliani, Adam Schiff & a Manhole Mishap
This commentary was written in September 2019 and published in the Dec 2019/Jan 2020 issue of Mountain Astrologer. It was fun to see that the expanded attention Greta Thunberg was likely to receive in early December “coincided” with her being named Time magazine’s Person of the Year. The cover photo was shot in Portugal on December 4th.
On March 2nd, around the time of the third square of disruptive Uranus to Israel’s Moon, a third election was held in Israel. The results as of April 12th are inconclusive — once again (!).
Also on April 12th: a riveting piece by Jane Mayer (author of Dark Money) was published in the New Yorker. “How MitchMcConnell Became Trump’s Enabler-in-Chief” came out exactly on the third square of transiting Uranus to his natal Venus-Pluto opposition — and it’s all about the money, as we would expect.
https://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.png00Elisabeth Gracehttps://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.pngElisabeth Grace2020-04-13 08:15:182020-04-13 08:18:26Charts in the News: Margaret Atwood, Greta Thunberg, Mitch McConnell, Israel
This commentary was written in July 2019 and originally published in the October/November issue of The Mountain Astrologer. I’m fascinated to see how the continuing crises suggested in Boeing‘s horoscope are playing out. As I post this on December 11th:
Jeffrey Epstein passed away just weeks after I filed this column. He may be gone, but his horoscope lives forever. The scandals continue to break — to no surprise. In other news, Megan Rapinoe‘s star continues to rise. She was just named Sportsperson of the Year by Sports Illustrated, reflecting transiting Jupiter on her Neptune. Translation: the expansion of glamour and pixiedust, demanding prominence.
https://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.png00Elisabeth Gracehttps://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.pngElisabeth Grace2019-12-12 00:17:442019-12-12 04:32:27Charts in the News: Boeing, Megan Rapinoe, Jeffrey Epstein & More
This commentary was written in June 2019 and originally published in the August/September issue of The Mountain Astrologer. It was fascinating to see how the disruptive patterns seen in Leana Wen’s horoscope manifested in her sudden departure from Planned Parenthood in mid-July.
UPDATE: it’s July 30, 2020 — and Biden said he would announce his VP pick next week. There’s big buzz about Kamala Harris, who will have the second pass of transiting Saturn squaring her Sun-Moon opposition. Could be a separation or loss; could be the assumption of heavy personal responsibility. Later in August — around the time the Democrats formally nominate their candidate, Harris will have her exact Nodal return, suggesting increased connection with the public.
UPDATE: On August 11th, Biden announced Harris as his running mate.
https://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.png00Elisabeth Gracehttps://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.pngElisabeth Grace2019-11-23 17:34:582020-08-12 01:02:34Charts in the News: Kamala Harris, Leana Wen, Laura Dern & More
I’m pleased with this article, as there are only a couple of misquotes — and Mercury retrograde is given far more weight than it deserves. Otherwise, it’s pretty much what I said — word for word. Kudos to Bustle’s smart reporter, who was genuinely interested in how astrology works, as opposed to writing a fluffy what piece about kind of sandwich you should eat, according to your zodiac sign. Here’s the link:
https://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.png00Elisabeth Gracehttps://elisabethgrace.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/logogold.pngElisabeth Grace2019-11-23 17:11:482019-11-23 17:15:19Why You Keep Getting Back Together With Your Ex, According to Astrology
Thoughts on a Full Moon in Aries
/in articlesI was delighted to be invited by New Luminary Agency to offer thoughts on the Full Moon in Aries, exact on October 1st at 3:18 PM ET. Planetary patterns suggested exceptional volatility:
That evening, political headlines in the U.S. were indeed volatile — stunningly so.
It was impossible to imagine how these audio tapes wouldn’t be playing non-stop through the weekend…and so much for the power of imagination. By 1 AM ET Friday, the tapes were blown off the media landscape by an announcement via Twitter that 45 and the First Lady had tested positive for Covid. On Saturday it was reported that Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel, Hope Hicks and the president of Notre Dame — who all attended the prior week’s mask-free Rose Garden nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to to SCOTUS — tested positive, too.
The wind suddenly shifted direction. Astrology is amazing. The full article in New Lum is here:
Charts in the News: Jacinda Ardern, Little Richard & Captain Sir Thomas Moore
/in articlesThis commentary was written at the end of May 2020 and published in the Aug/Sept issue of Mountain Astrologer.
Here is the link to the article:
Charts in the News_820 TMA
UPDATE: on Jacinda Ardern, who was re-elected in a landslide on October 17th, just days before an exact pattern suggesting an expansion of power and resources. This pattern in mentioned in the TMA article as a suggestion that Ardern would win a second term. What’s fun about it, from an astro-logical point of view, is that the election was originally scheduled in September, but was delayed because of Covid concerns. It appears Ardern’s triumph simply had to happen in sync with the patterns of her horoscope, which argued for an election victory in October, not September!
UPDATE: Captain Sir Tom did not have to wait until December (for the last transit of Jupiter to his Mars) to be formally knighted by Queen Elizabeth. That honor happened in sync with transiting Jupiter to his Venus on July 15th (the ceremony was on July 17th). It makes me wonder about a possible Taurus Ascendant, with a Midheaven around 22 Capricorn, where Jupiter was in April and July.
Charts in the News: Joe Biden, Italy, Andrew Cuomo, Typhoid Mary
/in articlesThis commentary was written at the end of March 2020 and published in the June/July issue of Mountain Astrologer.
The original article is here: Charts in the News 620
NOV 2020 UPDATE: on Joe Biden. Transiting Neptune is still hovering at the base of his horoscope, and we’ve seen it in play all year. He spent the summer campaigning mostly from his basement via Zoom, restricting his public appearances out of an abundance of Covid-conscious caution. The upside of Neptune is also being reflected, as he’s being appreciated for his compassion and stated desire to heal our divided nation in a “battle for the nation’s soul.” It’s worth noting that his Neptune is on the Midheaven of the U.S. Sibley chart.
Not only that, but those who were skeptical that his moderate image would be enough to prevail in an election have been won over by the material comfort and security he represents (thank you, Moon in Taurus), along with an optimistic outlook (thank you, Sagittarius rising). His insider’s perspective and ability to persuade from behind-the-scenes (thank you, planets in Scorpio in the 12th House), are now seen as assets.
On November 20th (today), he celebrates his 78th birthday. Mercury has just come out of its shadow period and is conjunct his Mars. The results of the Nov 3rd election are no longer in doubt; Biden-Harris won the popular vote and the Electoral College. We can expect continued drama through the Winter Solstice (as his opponent refuses to concede and is blocking a peaceful transition of power), but planetary patterns in the president-elect’s horoscope do support increased power and resources in the last two weeks of January.
Click the link below to read the article:
Charts in the News 620
Charts in the News: Michael Bloomberg, Elizabeth Wurtzel, Noel Tyl & Lizzo
/in articlesThis commentary was written at the end of January 2020 and published in the April/May 2020 issue of Mountain Astrologer — read it here: 420 TMA Charts in the News
UPDATE: Michael Bloomberg dropped out of the presidential race on March 4th, a few weeks after the first pass of transiting Saturn to his Ascendant The second pass is August 23rd, days after the Democratic National Convention.
What’s So Great About A Great Mutation?
/in articlesThe International Society for Astrological Research asked me to write a piece explaining why it chose the December 21, 2020 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius as the theme of its next global conference. For those looking for a hopeful progression out of the extremes of control, breakdown and harsh reality checks reflected by this year’s conjunctions among Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, you may be inspired by December’s Great Mutation (that’s the technical term).
The article is in three parts. First, it explains the mechanics and significance of Jupiter and Saturn’s 20-year cycle, and how that 20 year cycle is part of two bigger cycles of 200 years and 800 years in duration. Second, it ponders what this new Jupiter-Saturn cycle may bring over the course of the next 200 years. The third part of the article focuses on conference talks that are specific to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.
Click the link below to read:
What’s So Great About A Great Mutation? (Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 0 Aquarius in December 2020)
Special thanks to Richard Smoot
for creating the charts for the article
Charts in the News: Jane Austen, Rudy Giuliani, Adam Schiff & a Manhole Mishap
/in articlesThis commentary was written in December 2019 and published in the Feb/Mar 2020 issue of Mountain Astrologer: Charts in the News February/March 2020
We now have a confirmed birth time for Adam Schiff — and here is a link to his horoscope. Schiff has a 13 Cancer Ascendant, conjunct the 13 Cancer Sun of the United States. His 13 Gemini Moon falls on the US Descendant; his 0 Cancer Sun and Venus are conjunct the US Venus and square the US Midheaven; his Mercury is conjunct the US Mercury and opposite its Pluto. With this confirmed birth time, we can see how personally connected Schiff is to this country — and how, during the impeachment hearings, he worked tirelessly to speak for the high ideals our national horoscope suggests.
Schiff’s Sun and Moon will be affected by three eclipses in June and July. These eclipses are similar to the series of three lunations (one of which was an eclipse) that happened in December 2018 and January 2019. That’s when the House Democrats reclaimed their majority, and Schiff became Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. So we should keep an eye out for a sudden shift in the weeks after the Summer Solstice.
Meanwhile, I wasn’t quite sure what to make of a pattern in Rudy Giuliani‘s horoscope suggesting a stroke of luck or a possible expansion, exact this summer. Now we know that while he’s faded from the front page, he’s launched a YouTube channel. True to the potential of his natal Neptune on the Ascendant, several of the videos posted promote certain drugs that could be used in the battle against Covid-19. These drugs have since been debunked by actual scientists. The stroke of luck is that the trial of Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman (Giuliani associates charged with campaign finance violations), has been pushed back until 2021 — after the November election.
Finally, fellow TMA scribe and asteroid astrology specialist Alex Miller was inspired to add to the analysis of Cesar Gabriel Cortez’s fatal fall (into a manhole) in a recent blog post.
Read the full commentary here: Charts in the News February/March 2020
Charts in the News: Margaret Atwood, Greta Thunberg, Mitch McConnell, Israel
/in articlesThis commentary was written in September 2019 and published in the Dec 2019/Jan 2020 issue of Mountain Astrologer. It was fun to see that the expanded attention Greta Thunberg was likely to receive in early December “coincided” with her being named Time magazine’s Person of the Year. The cover photo was shot in Portugal on December 4th.
On March 2nd, around the time of the third square of disruptive Uranus to Israel’s Moon, a third election was held in Israel. The results as of April 12th are inconclusive — once again (!).
Also on April 12th: a riveting piece by Jane Mayer (author of Dark Money) was published in the New Yorker. “How Mitch McConnell Became Trump’s Enabler-in-Chief” came out exactly on the third square of transiting Uranus to his natal Venus-Pluto opposition — and it’s all about the money, as we would expect.
Charts in the News Dec 2019/Jan 2020
Charts in the News: Boeing, Megan Rapinoe, Jeffrey Epstein & More
/in articlesThis commentary was written in July 2019 and originally published in the October/November issue of The Mountain Astrologer. I’m fascinated to see how the continuing crises suggested in Boeing‘s horoscope are playing out. As I post this on December 11th:
Jeffrey Epstein passed away just weeks after I filed this column. He may be gone, but his horoscope lives forever. The scandals continue to break — to no surprise. In other news, Megan Rapinoe‘s star continues to rise. She was just named Sportsperson of the Year by Sports Illustrated, reflecting transiting Jupiter on her Neptune. Translation: the expansion of glamour and pixiedust, demanding prominence.
Charts in the News – Oct/Nov 2019
Charts in the News: Kamala Harris, Leana Wen, Laura Dern & More
/in articlesThis commentary was written in June 2019 and originally published in the August/September issue of The Mountain Astrologer. It was fascinating to see how the disruptive patterns seen in Leana Wen’s horoscope manifested in her sudden departure from Planned Parenthood in mid-July.
UPDATE: it’s July 30, 2020 — and Biden said he would announce his VP pick next week. There’s big buzz about Kamala Harris, who will have the second pass of transiting Saturn squaring her Sun-Moon opposition. Could be a separation or loss; could be the assumption of heavy personal responsibility. Later in August — around the time the Democrats formally nominate their candidate, Harris will have her exact Nodal return, suggesting increased connection with the public.
UPDATE: On August 11th, Biden announced Harris as his running mate.
Aug/Sep 2019-Charts In The News
Why You Keep Getting Back Together With Your Ex, According to Astrology
/in articlesI’m pleased with this article, as there are only a couple of misquotes — and Mercury retrograde is given far more weight than it deserves. Otherwise, it’s pretty much what I said — word for word. Kudos to Bustle’s smart reporter, who was genuinely interested in how astrology works, as opposed to writing a fluffy what piece about kind of sandwich you should eat, according to your zodiac sign. Here’s the link:
Why You Keep Getting Back Together With Your Ex, According to Astrology