Tuesday 6/11/2024: Late Sneak Peek at the Week; Saturn, Pluto & Mars — Oh, My!
Allllrighty then!
Professor Saturn hasn’t finished its master class on strategy, structure, streamlining, and serious reality checks. Over the weekend, Saturn squared Sun-Venus in Gemini. Planets in Gemini reflect a need for information, cleverness, and entertainment. FYI, Gemini invented Trivial Pursuit (remember that game?). If you spent time over the weekend putting controls on the flow of information to your inbox, you were intuitively responding to Saturn’s streamlining prompt. Much as I appreciate Staples, for example, I don’t need to know they’re having a sale on copy paper. Nor do I need to be distracted by Amazon’s request that I review my new kitchen faucet, much as I enjoy providing helpful information.
This week, Saturn squares Mercury, suggesting more hard facts, harsh truth and a sobering mindset. By the end of the week, Saturn turns the lectern over to Professor Neptune, and this exercise may fog up, dissolve, or idealize our recent reality check.
The highlights for the week:
- Mars squares Pluto on Tuesday
- Mercury squares Saturn on Wednesday
- Mercury conjunct Sun on Friday
- Venus squares Neptune on Sunday
It goes like this:
- MONDAY: Moon in Leo drives the first two days of the work week with a need for a stage and applause. Its only contact today is a harmonious one (a sextile) to Mercury, exact at 10:34 PM ET. Mercury refers to information channels and it is high-functioning in Gemini. As I type, WaPo reports this breaking news story:
Apple officially launched itself into the artificial intelligence arms race, announcing a deal with ChatGPT-maker OpenAI to use the company’s technology in its own products and showing off a slew of its own new AI features.
- “Showing off a slew of its own new AI features” sounds apt for a showstopping Leo Moon. “Artificial intelligence arms race” gave me pause…until I remembered that humming in the background is the warfare potential of Mars in territorial Taurus as it squares Pluto (power and resources) in technogeek Aquarius. Battles making news now are likely to be hot in the headlines again around November 3rd, when Mars (in Leo) will oppose Pluto. If you have planets around 1 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, you are more personally affected. That includes many in the British Royal Family, Clarence Thomas, Woodrow Wilson, and President Biden.
- TUESDAY: Moon sextiles Sun at 7:57 AM ET. This aspect suggests balance and may grease the wheels of whatever assertive event hits the news around 9:21 AM ET, when the Mars-Pluto square is exact. Mars refers to guns, cars, testosterone, iron, and the color red; Pluto refers to extremes. A sextile between Moon and Venus at 12:02 PM ET could reflect an easy adaptation. The square between Moon and disruptive Uranus at 3:16 PM ET, however, suggests a surprise revelation or other upset to the status quo. Moon then goes void for over ten hours. Stick to routine concerns; roll with the twists and flakes. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill and…CHILL! Consider these patterns as the jury deliberates in Hunter Biden’s trial, and remember he’s been charged with lying about drug use on a firearms purchase application.
- WEDNESDAY: Moon enters Virgo at 1:38 AM ET, ready to put the house back in order after the Leo Moon’s big party. Action flows smoothly, given the trine to the Moon from Mars, exact at 6:26 AM ET, but the information delivered is likely to be heavy, given the square between Mercury and Saturn, exact at 6:47 AM ET. Moon’s square to Jupiter at 9:49 AM ET expands the need to get it right, offering a plethora of options to consider. Moon travels without interference until Thursday afternoon, giving the Virgo Moon plenty of space to sort, analyze and criticize…
- THURSDAY: At 4:18 PM ET, the Virgo Moon is opposed by Saturn. An authoritative block or advance that dampens spirits would be apt. Tensions rise in the evening, as Moon squares Mercury at 11:51 PM ET, and then squares the Sun at 1:18 AM ET on…
- FRIDAY. Arguing about the facts, perhaps? Moon trines Uranus at 3:50 AM ET; efforts may be made to reach across the aisle. Moon’s square to Venus at 7:13 AM ET suggests an indulgent morning, perhaps…or a continuing debate about values, including money. Planetary patterns are now moving away from Saturn’s demand for “discipline,” replaced by a need to dissolve the harshness. A clever idealism — or being blinded by one’s own light — may be today’s focus, as Mercury (how we need to think) meets up with the Sun at 12:32 PM ET. Moon opposes Neptune at 1:53 PM ET, adding to the rose-colored or bonkers/kaleidoscopic vibe. Moon enters Libra at 2:12 PM ET, now seeking fairness and balance in relationship. Hmm. Maybe a bit of justice, too — depending upon which judge is issuing the ruling. A trine to Pluto at 5:39 PM ET adds depth to the Friday night news dump, and a trine to Jupiter at 11:43 PM ET raises spirits, including the ones in the glass you’re holding. Cheers!
- SATURDAY: There’s no Moon void to dissuade your impulse yard sale purchases. Moon travels without interference throughout the day. With Mercury and Venus about to square Neptune, peace could be on the world agenda. In your own personal world, art, music, film and poetry would be fine outlets.
- SUNDAY: The only aspect between the Sun and Moon is a trine, exact at 7:14 PM ET. Diplomacy running wild, perhaps, with headline-grabbing news now and over the next couple of days. Why? Because Mercury and Venus at both at the verrrry end of Gemini, rushing to get all the discussions about facts done, not now, but RIGHT NOW. Planets at the end of Gemini activate the Aries Point, and thus their symbolism becomes prominent. After all is said and done on Monday, when Mercury and Venus leave Gemini and enter Cancer, we are likely to have news involving Cancerian themes: women, birthing, family, home and homeland security. The news may be sublime or surreal, reflecting the Venus-Neptune square at 11:46 PM ET on SUNDAY…and the Mercury-Neptune square at 3:40 AM ET on MONDAY. And speaking of Monday, Moon will be in Scorpio, seeking to consolidate knowledge for the sake of power and control, perhaps ruthlessly so.
- SUNDAY: With Mercury and Venus at the Aries Point, watch for the horoscopes of the Usual Suspects to be activated. That includes Liz Cheney, Ted Cruz, Barron Trump, Elizabeth Warren, Rudy Giuliani, Clarence Thomas, Alexei Navalny, Emanuel Macron, Ronna McDaniel. You are more personally affected by Mercury and Venus entering Cancer on Monday if you have planets around 0 degrees of Aries, Cancer. Libra and Capricorn. Those are the degrees that make up the Aries Point.
And now, the news.
One story reflecting the harsh reality of Sun-Venus-Mercury square Saturn is noted in Beth Owl’s Daughter’s always-in-sync Tarot Card of the Week. Her interpretation of this week’s card offers a coping strategy.
- “What AI thinks a beautiful woman looks like” — lean and mean, like Saturn?
EU elections: Macron to dissolve French parliament after crushing loss to far right
- “At 17, she fell in love with a 47-year-old. Now, she questions the story” — a fascinating reality check, with added testosterone-in-extreme potential of Mars square Pluto
“A restaurant wanting a ‘grown and sexy’ vibe bans diners under 30”
…I glanced at transits in President Biden’s horoscope at 3:32 PM ET, the time the jury in Hunter’s case began deliberating. I was struck by transiting Jupiter opposing Biden’s Ascendant, with the transiting Midheaven conjunct Biden’s Jupiter. Not only that, but transiting Moon in Leo squared his Mars…and transiting Mars was conjunct his Moon; Pluto squares it. Themes of expansion, provocation, and assertion are suggested…and check out Heather Cox Richardson’s latest letter — posted less than an hour ago — reporting on what the Biden-Harris campaign released that day.
Astrology is amazing.
One of the benefits of being on Substack is getting to discover cool new must-read writers. Civil Discourse is written by Joyce Vance, a former federal prosecutor. On Sunday she posts The Week Ahead, outlining expectations in major court cases. Armchair attorneys and those who seriously considered going to law school (raises hand) will dig it. Take a look at the SCOTUS opinions we’re waiting on, and note how the subject matter for these cases reflects planetary patterns.
“D-Day and the Importance of Voting” (posted on June 7) starts with a touching personal encounter and ends with an inspiring list of simple things you can do to stop Russell Vought and his Project 2025 “madmen” collaborators from executing their plan “…to rip and shred the federal government apart, and if you don’t like it, you can lump it.” And because you read Beth Owl’s Daughter’s Tarot card this week and clicked on the links, you now know who Russell Vought is, if you didn’t before.
Here’s the 411 on personal consultations.
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