Monday 2/28/2022: Sneak Peek at Another Big Week: New Moon in Pisces; Venus, Mars & Pluto in the Extreme; Sun-Jupiter in Pisces
Fasten your seat belts and get ready for another week that’s jam-packed with potent patterns. And remember, an audio Sneak Peek of the written Sneak Peek at the Week is now being posted on Sunday — as part of the 2022: Year of Love Podcast, hosted by Avid Reader Alison Woo — huzzah!
Here’s the list of potent patterns — many of which are activating other patterns set in motion months ago, which I will review and explain:
- Sun sextiles Uranus on Wednesday suggests innovation and cooperation involving leaders, networks and power sources. Exhibit A: the world gangs up on Vladimir Putin and rushes in to help Ukraine
- Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday suggests sobering thoughts, heavy focus and authoritative blocks or ambition in technology, communication and travel
- New Moon in Pisces on Wednesday activates the December 2021 solar eclipse
- Mars meets up with Pluto on Thursday suggesting ruthless, brutal action
- Venus meets up with Pluto on Thursday — for the third time since December, completing its retrograde cycle mapped out here last November. How have your values changed over the past four months?
- Sun makes its annual meet-up with Jupiter on Saturday, this time in Pisces. We expect boundless enthusiasm, generosity and empathy — that’s the upside. Downside: big giant egos, especially involving leaders. We may also hear big news involving Jupiter-ruled matters, e.g., liver, horses, hips, travel, law, publishing.
- Venus and Mars finally ditch earthy Capricorn enter Aquarius on Sunday, where they meet up at 0 Aquarius. As you read in the last link, this conjunction activates the December 2020 Great Mutation (a.k.a. the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 0 Aquarius) — explained in detail here.
In general, if last week was about using pixie-dust to make things happen, this week requires a reality check — and the things that do happen are likely to be big, big, big — executed with a rare, unified force. Here’s how it goes:
- MONDAY: Moon is in Aquarius, driving the day with a need to network and brainstorm with your best friends all over the world. Use the sobering focus of Wednesday’s Mercury-Saturn conjunction to set serious boundaries where required (here’s looking at YOU, Vladimir Putin), and dare to think outside the box, trusting in the potential of Wednesday’s sextile between the Sun and Uranus to facilitate cooperation and communication among a diversity of players. You can also use the Saturn-Mercury conjunction as a hint in today’s Wordle. It worked for me — let me know if it works for you. It’s amazing how planetary patterns are reflected — not just in the stories that drive headlines, but in the words in the headlines themselves — and apparently, in a daily puzzle, too. Moon meets up with Mercury at 5:11 PM ET, delivering a humanitarian message. Moon meets up with Saturn at 9:01 PM ET, suggesting an ambitious or authoritative advance, for better or worse. Keep praying for Ukraine, as the Moon goes void for the next 18 hours.
- TUESDAY: It’s the first day of March, and as the saying goes: “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” The Aquarius Moon is void until late afternoon ET. You know the drill: roll with the twists and flakes that may disrupt efforts to move forward in a straight line. Remember that crises which arise during voids are usually much ado about nothing, soon resolved once the Moon gets into gear. No impulse shopping. Stick to routine concerns and CHILL. Keep in mind that we are at the end of the lunar cycle — a time to wrap up old projects and focus on your list of intentions for the next cycle. We may feel listless or restless under a dead Moon, sensing that a new shoe is about to drop, but we don’t know what. Dead Moons are apt for doing things you hope will fly under the radar. At 3:53 PM ET, Moon enters Pisces, shifting our focus to feelings and impressions. Go with the intuitive flow for the rest of the day — and yes, the flow in the news cycle likely grows in gravitas, reflecting patterns for the rest of the week.
- WEDNESDAY: Sun sextiles Uranus at 12:05 AM. Mercury is conjunct Saturn at 11:32 AM ET. This is a morning of sober thinking and unconventional alliances — and this theme continues to build with great potency for the rest of the week. Moon sextiles Uranus at 11:42 AM ET, bringing more people of all sorts and sizes to the table. Keep an eye on the Technology Section of your local media outlet. This is the impetus for the New Moon in Pisces, which kicks in at 12:34 PM ET.
Here is what the New Moon chart looks like, set in Washington, D.C.:
- A Pisces Moon needs to identify and work with impressions and ideals. Pisces keywords include empathy, endings, spirits of all kinds, suffering, at-one-ment, victimization, refugees and other displaced persons society tends to hide under the nearest rug (or hospital or prison or religious institution or subconscious).
- In the DC chart, the New Moon sits in the 9th house — of foreign affairs and news published around the world — but the New Moon is powerfully and visibly placed right on the Midheaven of this chart. This puts the focus on our nation’s leader, along with honor and reputation. It is BIG, because Jupiter is right up there with the New Moon, too. And that is where both the Sun and the Moon are headed next — right to Jupiter.
- This New Moon is at 12 Pisces, square to the 12 Sagittarius Ascendant of the U.S. horoscope. 12 Sagittarius was the degree of the December 2021 solar eclipse. Go back to past forecasts and read what was going on in the news then. We anticipate a surge forward in those affairs, because that is how eclipses function in life development. Many pundits are astonished at how fast things are moving in terms of global support for Ukraine, but Avid Readers should not be surprised — especially Avid Readers who asked for insights on how the November and December eclipses were likely to function in their personal horoscopes. They knew to watch the end of December and the last week of February, when transiting Jupiter hit 12 degrees of Pisces, potentially releasing a surge of bottlenecked energy! The genie is out of the bottle; the world has forever changed. Just. Like. That!
- The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is just amazing — and aptly expresses the power symbolized by this gathering of planetary patterns. It is “a sword in a museum,” an image — says Blain Bovee –– of inner power, as in:
a point in the journey of personal growth and refinement where the individual comes back into his or her own. Power lies within, not without.
- To which James Burgess, another Sabian specialist, adds:
Through the consistent practice of self-discipline, human personality can develop into something of real substance. Such gravitas offers great personal power when in service to the commonly held traditional ideals of the community.
In times of uncertainty, when confusion clouds the minds and hearts of less serious people, such a personality is an important counterbalance to collective emotionality. A slow, serious, heavyweight character settles turbulence and encourages caution and practicality; they set a good example.
- “A sword in a museum” was the Sabian Symbol for the Mercury retrograde of February 2020 — light years ago. What happened in those weeks was potent shift among the Democratic presidential candidates, as then-candidate Joe Biden emerged as the challenger to the now-defeated former guy. I took comfort in that Symbol then, and I take comfort in it now.
- You are more personally affected by this New Moon if you have planets or angles around 12 Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius. Events that were hot in the aftermath of last December’s New Moon may be activated again.
Back to the Forecast:
- WEDNESDAY: Moon meets up with Jupiter at 4:23 PM ET, hopefully reflecting a general sense of exuberance and empathy — to the upside. We should be mindful of the tension building over the past few days — heading for a release around 3:43 AM ET on…
- THURSDAY: as Mars — planet of action, courage, assertion and aggression — meets up with Pluto in Capricorn. We have strong potential for explosive energy and brute, ruthless force, for better or worse. Please consider this potential if you happen to walk down a dark alley. Better yet, avoid dark alleys. Pluto refers to power and resources of all kinds, including — but not limited to — oil. Neptune also refers to oil, and the Moon meets up with Neptune at 6:37 AM ET, perhaps putting a dreamy or bewildering spin on your morning. At 12:56 PM ET, Venus meets up with Pluto for the third and final time since last November. Venus in Capricorn conjunct Pluto suggests women, money, art, and social expression in the EXTREME. Pluto can make it feel like a matter of life and death, and here you will find examples of past headlines. We see the reflection of this past Venus retrograde cycle (with its three Pluto conjunctions) in values that have changed dramatically over the past four months — especially in money and power. Exhibit A: economic sanctions imposed on Russia — including nations (like Switzerland) that usually opt to remain neutral. These sanctions reflect a change in the values of policymakers who are now choosing to defend democratic societies even if it means losing Russian business (money) and Russian oil (power and resources). Astrology is amazing. Meanwhile, the Pisces Moon is well-supported for the rest of the afternoon, receiving help from Pluto, Venus and Mars by sextile. Make that pitch — and then chill at 4:44 PM ET, when the Moon goes void.
- THURSDAY: Moon charges into Aries at 7:56 PM ET, driving the next few days with a need to get things started. Note that the Moon travels without interference for the rest of the day Thursday and all day on...
- FRIDAY. This lack of input from other players in the cosmic sandbox may feel like a Moon void. How so? Actions taken may be unfocused or have a “wild card” quality. Not until 6:55 AM ET on…
- SATURDAY: …does the Aries Moon make contact, and this contact happens to be a stabilizing sextile with Saturn. So much can be accomplished now — and all this week! Next up: the annual conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter. Note that Jupiter — planet of expansion — is at its fastest when traveling so close to the Sun (as depicted on a horoscope). This is another planetary pattern reflecting how fast things have changed and expanded — with the boundless exuberance, generosity and compassion of the Sun and Jupiter in PISCES. Did I mention buying a few lottery tickets if you have planets around 15 degrees of just about any sign of the zodiac? Get them before Saturday morning — don’t go overboard (says my Saturn in the 2nd house, which hates to lose money). At 2:49 AM ET, Moon sextiles Mercury, delivering a humanitarian message — and facilitating discussion in your own personal world. It may be some enchanted evening as Moon squares nebulous Neptune at 11:01 PM ET. It may also feel like a crisis point in matters of action among the Powers That Be — i.e., the structures of government that “civilized society” relies upon to maintain a secure operating structure and keep the trains running on time. Why? Because Venus and Mars are ending their trek through Capricorn, and when planets are at the last degree of any sign, it may feel like a crisis.
- SUNDAY: Mars enters Aquarius at 1:22 AM ET, now playing the humanitarian rebel with a cause (that’s what my mentor Noel Tyl says about Mars in Aquarius). Six minutes later, Venus leaves Capricorn for Aquarius, changing her tune to “I love you, but don’t take it personally” (you can quote me on that, as those are my words). At 2:12 AM ET, Venus and Mars will be conjunct –– for the second time in less than a month, which is rare. However, now they at 0 degrees Aquarius, planting seeds for unconventional allies and attractions, united for the common good. WOW!!!! Not only that, but this Venus-Mars conjunction activates The Great Mutation that made headlines in the mainstream media in December 2020. It marked the end of a 200-year period of economic and political development in which the most successful people were those who controlled what was earthy and tangible. Success for the next 200 years will be had by those who harness the airwaves including — e.g., information and data networks, as well as our collective thoughts. When you understand the symbolism of planetary cycles, it can help make sense out of these interesting times. Right? Horoscopes affected by the Venus-Mars conjunction include Presidents Biden and Zelenskyy, and many in the British Royal Family. We anticipate notable provocation or assertive action — and since these are public figures, we are likely to read about it in the news.
- SUNDAY: Moon enters Taurus at 2:59 AM ET, driving the next few days with a need to build and maintain comfort and security. Take comfort in simple pleasures: good food, wine and/or a snuggle with your sweetie. Count your blessings.
And now, the news:
We all these planetary cycles converging, suggesting a game-changing release of bottlenecked energy that was noted months ago, it’s fun to see so many pundits noting the change, including this opening line from Heather Cox Richardson’s Letter for February 26th:
We are in what feels like a moment of paradigm shift.
I encourage you to read HCR’s nightly reports, because she digs up the Really Important Stuff you may not find in the mainstream media. I also encourage you to follow me on Twitter (@graceastrology) if you’d like daily observations on the astonishing synchronicity of planetary patterns and the news.
I have a ton of headlines to share, but I also want to get this Forecast out to you sooner, rather than later — so that is what I will do.
Here is the 411 on personal consultations. Here is the link to the Cosmic Tip Jar, where support from Avid Readers is always appreciated, especially from fellow astrologers and astrology students.
Thank you for reading this Forecast — and sharing it with your friends. Referrals are the best!

Monument of Independence of Ukraine in Kiev.
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